Monday, June 20


Wow, today was fun!

I was half-asleep during my first class. We talked about transistors and how they function. But hey, I was half-asleep! Then I zombie-marched to my second class and zoned out during that! Well, for the most part anyway. I decided that the lecture was boring, so I worked on the homework that's due Thursday. You know I'm bored when I do homework earlier than one day before its due.

How is it 11 degrees hotter in downtown Austin than it is in Round Rock? That makes no sense. None at all.

I think I should go to the doctor again. The heartburn is becoming more frequent. And more painful. I'm sure it's another stomach ulcer. Isn't that just my luck? So that means another diet of oatmeal and bananas. Oh, I'm looking forward to it already.

So, I had this weird dream. Really weird. And I can't get it out of my head.

Wow, 1 post away from 500! That's half of a thousand!

One thing I do want to mention is that I'm happy that the lockout is going to be avoided. I hate anything related to the summer, but there is one thing I do make an exception for. NBA free-agency and trading. You never know what to expect once you wake up in the morning. If there would have been a lockout, I would have gone crazy.

Alright, I'm bored again. I think I'll go to bed.

Song of the Moment: Tool - The Grudge


rowdielou said...

Hey Baby, whuzzup?!

Checked out your podcasts...that's so kewl! Man, I wanna do that! That would be easier than trying to update while I'm so busy. But, never-fear, I should be around more soon. Yay for summer breaks! :D

Oh ~ and I like the copy-catishness. :P


jamie said...

tell me more about the dream....i love dreams, they're so interesting...thats probably weird, sorry

FBombAndy said...

I can't wait until I get to read your posts again. It's been a while. I'm glad you like the podcast. It's going to get better once I find my style. And more interesting things to talk about.

I think the saying goes, "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery."

I'll talk about the dream in my next post. And it's not weird, so there's nothing to be sorry about. Ask and you shall receive.