Saturday, June 18


If you saw this post earlier today, then you know exactly who I hate.

Today had to be the worst day ever. I'll skip to the best parts. I took my CS 336 test and it actually took all of the time we were given. I think I did well, but that usually means I didn't read a question right or I missed some key detail. Then it was time to catch the bus home. Well, there was a big parade downtown, so every bus was on a different route. While it usually takes 40 or so minutes for me to get home from campus, it took about 2 hours today.

Needless to say, I was extremely pissed when I finally made it home. Most of today has been spent punching random objects. I'm stressed. I'm frustrated. I want a reward! A prize! Just something to cheer me up.

I've introduced a few more links to the right. Kevin Rose was a host on G4's Attack of the Show. He has a new online show called Systm where he builds useful gadgets. Kevin Pereira is a current host on Attack of the Show. Funny guy. He also does a podcast, and his first one was hilarious.

So, I mention my hate for Tom Cruise yesterday, and this morning I read that he proposed. Could he take any less time to pop the question? He's slowly moving up the list...

Alright, time for bed. I'll probably record my podcast later today. Or I'll do it right now if I can't sleep. But I don't think that will be a problem.

Song of the Moment: Queens of the Stone Age - The Blood is Love

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