Tuesday, June 28


First, I'd like to direct everyone's attention to Luis. In about 27 minutes, he's going to add another year to his age. Feels like just yesterday that he was celebrating 21.

Speaking of which, 1 month and 22 days. Then I'll be celebrating 21.

I have a test on Thursday. Then I have a test on Friday. This means that I should be studying my ass off right now. But, as you can tell, I am not. I do not believe in studying. I probably should look into it though.

But what I'm really looking forward to is my mom coming down this weekend. Not only do I get to tell her all about what stresses me out, but I get my receiver back! I miss listening to my music through something other than crappy computer speakers and some clunky headphones. The headphones are OK, but for the audiophile within, I need something better.

And something rare happened today. I got a call from my sis! I haven't talked to her in quite a long time. But it was a good conversation. And she really gave me good advice. I am very proud of her because she is so successful She is married, just bought a home, and works for Siemens. From what I understand, she handles international transactions for them. I'll have to confirm this, but it's what I've been told.

I'm in the process of adding my podcast to iTunes. If you haven't heard, iTunes 4.9 was released earlier today. The big thing about it is the new directory of podcasts. So, I went and added mine. Apparently they review it first, but I don't see any reason why mine shouldn't be added.

Otherwise, I don't have much else to report. I'm going to bed.

Song of the Moment: Radiohead - No Surprises


rowdielou said...

Happy Birthday to Luis!

Gosh - I wish I could be there when you turn 21! Or - I wish you could be here! I'd take you out for a night on the town that you'd never forget! ;) I think you should look into going to Mardi Gras with us! :D

I figured out something today, that made me sort-of laugh. Now, when I write in my blog, I "write to you". I used to write to my best friend Miss, but for some reason, when I'm writing, I'm thinking of you. Made me smile. ;)

That rawks about your sis! Isn't it great to have family members to be proud of!

FBombAndy said...

Mardi Gras. Now there's an idea! I haven't been, and I've heard so many fun stories. That's when, February?

I'm glad that I caused a smile. And I'm soooooo flattered right now. Speechless really.

I really look up to my sis. I can only hope I achieve what she has.