Thursday, June 30



You see, one of the problems I need to fix is my late reaction to a clear signal. And by signal, I mean hint. And by hint, I mean someone of the opposite sex giving inaudible clues of interest.

Erik and I stopped by Central Market to pick up some barbecue stuff. Well, I bought some gummi bears and bazooka gum. I guess she was fascinated by what I purchased, because she smiled at me when she gave me my receipt. And it wasn't the "I have to smile to all of the customers" smile. It was the "Hey, what's up" smile.

Damn me and my slowness. 'Cause she was cute.

{Added on around 11:13PM}

Alright. One more class, one more test. I was planning on taking my basketball clothes with me for afterwards, but I've decided not to. For some reason, I'm really tired right now. And I know that I'll be tired tomorrow afternoon. I don't know what's causing it, but I wish it would go away.

I haven't pieced together a new podcast yet. And I'm not sure when I'll have the proper time to do so. I might just put something to fill the void. If I do, it will be tomorrow afternoon.

A while back, I talked about a certain feeling. The feeling where you know you're alone in the room, but you don't feel lonely. Well, tonight, I feel alone. And I really shouldn't. I talked to Brandon today. I talked to my old friend Cedric today also. But at this exact moment, 11:26PM, I feel alone.

And honestly, I wish I could have thought of something interesting to say. Because who knows, I could have been on the phone right now with a really cute chic.

I feel awkward when I hit on a chic in front of one of my friends. Well, more specifically, friends that are 6 to 10 years older than me. Oh, and in front of anyone in my family. I mean, when my bro and I go to the store and I see a chic that catches my eye, I do get that instinct to start a conversation. But then I realize that I'm with my brother. I can't operate like that.

Although, I'm sure if I was hanging out with Brandon or Sam, I'd do just fine.

Ugh. There I go again. Making excuses.

Alright, I give up for the night. I'm going to sleep and try to forget everything. That shouldn't be too hard.

Song of the Moment: Radiohead - Bulletproof...I Wish I Was

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