Wednesday, June 8


Well, today was alright. I accomplished plenty.

One of the ways that I describe my thinking process is that I see everything in 1s and 0s. That's right, in binary. I can't really explain it. When you give me two numbers and tell me to multiply them, everything is broken down, then I do the process, and then I put it back together. But it's not in the traditional way.

For example, my bro (who has a math degree) likes to find little patterns with numbers. He also likes to find new ways of doing simple things. He told me about how he multiplies fractions, and I told him how I do it. And we do it two totally different ways. We took the simple problem of 0.35 * 0.45. He sees (7/20) * (9/20). Then he multiplies across, which is (63/400). From there he breaks it down. The way I see it is (35 * 5) + (35 * 4 * 10). I can do all of it in my head. I take (35 * 5) and I note that:

(35 * 2) = 70.
(70 * 2) = 140.
(140 + 35) = 175.

Now, for (35 * 4), I've already calculated the answer. It's the second line from above. So, In my head is 140 and 175. I remember that 140 should be 1400. Simple add, move the decimal 4 places, and you get your answer, 0.1575. Now, that was a simple problem. If you give me something with 4 digits, that will take me a bit longer.

Alright, that was way too nerdy. (You know those word searches where you circle the letter and not the entire word, and then you're left with letters that spell something out? I did one of those in my head, without using a pen, pencil, or anything that can mark the paper. My mom likes to do those, so I grabbed one I'd never seen before, went through and gave her the answer. Then she did it with a pen and was totally shocked. But, if you ask me to do it again, I'll fail. I don't know why I could do it that one time. See, THAT's nerdy.)

So, I'm still working on my setup for my podcasting. I have the headphones, I have the mic, and I have some audio editing software. I still need to accept what I sound like when I'm recorded. I don't like pictures, and I don't like being recorded.

Brandon has offered to do a show with me the next time he comes to Austin. I'm already looking forward to it. I have no idea what we'll talk about, but you can bet it will be funny and/or mildly offensive. Who knows, maybe we'll say something so insightful that you stare into the mirror for 4 days straight thinking about your existence.

Alright, I'm going to bed. One more 3 hour day, then Friday, which is a 90 minute day. Not bad at all.

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