Tuesday, June 21


Alright, 500 posts. I wasn't sure if I would make it this far.

First of all, I'll tell you about the dream I had 2 nights ago. And don't worry, it's PG. Contrary to what some people may say, (Brandon, I'm looking in your direction.) I do have clean dreams.

So I was in my old dormitory and right outside of my first dorm room. Somewhat. The original address of my dorm was 1344, while the one in my dream was 1310. I figure it has to do with 1310AM The Ticket. But I went in, and two chics were there. I recognized one of them from my first Spanish class. A cute brunette that I only talked to a couple of times. I'll tell you why it was only a couple of times after I'm done with this dream.

I said, "I just need a place to hang out for the meanwhile." They happily offered the room, even though it was late at night. In fact, they were just heading to bed. And they offered their bed. I wasn't sure why there were two chics and only one bed, but I wasn't complaining. So I'm in their bed, and I'm trying to sleep. I must have been tired because it's already a dream and I'm trying to go to sleep. But I notice that the bed begins to shrink. And then my bro walks in. After him, my mom. And they did not mention anything about there being two chics in the bed with me. They just wanted to say "hi."

That's about when I woke up.

The reason why I only talked to the cute brunette a couple of times was because I was constantly around my 'partner-in-crime.' Apparently she thought we were 'close' or something of that sort. So, she didn't try to interfere or anything. How do I know this? Because I asked her at the end of the semester. Unfortunately, I don't see her on campus at all anymore.

As for the dream and its meaning, I think this was just one of those pointless dreams. Traces of memories like my mom saying, "Your bed is big enough for two people." Also bits from my recent podcast about wanting to listen to The Ticket. Also, I truly believe that a guy and a chic can share a bed without anything physical happening. So that explains the PG rating.

Now, on to the next thing on my list.

This is a special post. 500. And as such, I want to make a few statements for everyone to read.

One. I have a handful of friends left from high school. Brandon, Fermin, Luis, Anh, and CT. I also recently caught up with Sam, so that makes 6. My parents have met all 6 (I think) and they are all considered friends of the family. If any of them needed help during the middle of the night, it's almost guaranteed that one of my parents would wake up and get there. And if they needed the shirt off of my back, I'd do it without hesitation. I am very thankful to have friends like those mentioned above.

Two. I also have friends that I only get to communicate with by way of this blog, email, or text messages. The two I think of at this moment are Janyce and Jamie. I look forward to each word you write and I'm glad that I know the both of you. I have nothing but my best wishes for you both.

Three. To the people I've met in the recent weeks, or today in one case, thank you. Keep talking to me. I'll listen.

Four. For all of the readers I have but do not know, thank you. Don't be afraid of letting me know who you are or what you think.

And lastly, what's up with those Spurs? Now I have to adjust my prediction to the Spurs winning in 7. I went from sweep to 5 to 6 to 7. Stop toying with me, San Antonio!

I couldn't go a whole post without mentioning something basketball-related. Sorry.

And I hope things don't get all mushy now. Unless kisses will be involved. And not from the guys. I'm not into that.

Alright, I'm off to bed. Another day filled with boring activites. And class. I might text people during class to keep me awake. I'm in class from 10AM to 1PM. For those on the West Coast, that's 8AM to 11AM.

Song of the Moment: Nine Inch Nails - Right Where It Belongs

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