Monday, January 17

321 - Prepare

So, classes start tomorrow. I'm a little nervous. Well, really, not that nervous. I've done this before about 5 times. It gets easier each time. And really, only my spanish class will be awkward. I'll have to meet new people in there and such. I think there are two guys in there from my last spanish class. Might make things easier.

It worked. Staying up late last night combined with waking up early this morning has me extremely tired right now. But I didn't want to go to bed without posting something. Besides, my best work comes out when I'm half-asleep.

Today was boring. I just now realized that. Totally boring.

So yea, I'm going to wake up early and get a haircut. Well, a trim really. So, I figure I can wake up at 7, leave at 8, get my haircut at 9, and then go to class at 10. Might work. I want to look real good on my first day.

So either way, I'm gonna try to sleep now. I know it's early, but I must force myself before I drool all over the keyboard. I'll be sure to let you all know how it goes. Hmm...I typed it out. "You all." Not, "y'all." But when I say, nevermind.


jamie said...

Good Luck with your first day of classes :) i hope ur internal clock has adjusted to your new 'real world' schedule. oh and good luck w/ the haircut too ;)

apples said...

we all want to look good the first day, don't we? and make a good impression, and act in the right way and say all the right stuff and dress the right way and... blah! yeah that's right; blah. I've worried about that too much in the future and now I just want to be myself. take it or leave it. most people seem to leave it... maybe that's a sign?

my classes started yesterday. 'my classes' means being one of 850 people sitting in the same room listening to someone talk. we don't have college - we have Uni. I miss classes... Hope yours went well though, wish I could do Spanish with you rather than sitting here staring at my mountain of books about our minds...

FBombAndy said...

The good luck worked. Had a good day. Although I think the barber took just a little too much off the top. It'll grow back in a couple of days though...or so I'd like to think. Eh, it's not that bad.

I can't really relate to 850. The largest class I've ever had was 500. And that was an Engineering Intro course. Really sucked. Although we were all in one room.

Am I shallow for wanting to look good? Or are the people I'm likely to impress shallow? But would that in turn....oh gosh, I'm going in circles and confusing myself. I didn't put on a suit and tie or anything. I just didn't wear one of my usual insulting T-shirts.