Saturday, January 1

293 - Junk

I finally finished Garden State. Good movie. It's second on my 'to buy' list behind only Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. One movie about ignoring and rediscovering your feelings, the other about erasing loved ones from your memory. Total connection for me.

I also spent the past 90 minutes removing spyware and crap. You see, I gave my bro and his wife complete access to my computer while I stayed in Dallas. I now realize that I shouldn't have. I'm really not sure which it was, but one of them unleashed a biblical proportion of spyware on my computer. 76 problems were detected. 76!

Texas won the Rose Bowl. Makes me happy. LSU lost on a great final play. Made me happy. So now I'm going to play some NCAA 2005 and kick some poor team's ass.

Ryan called me from Pasadena. For the first, and only time, I wish I were him. I hope I didn't boost his ego too much.

I turn 21 this year. That scares me. I haven't had a drink in so long, and when the day comes, it will always be available to me (except on Sundays.) Honestly, I think I should just spend that day indoors and alone. I should restrain myself.

{Added on}
I'm thinking about not censoring my F-bombs and such. If I can make you think the word, isn't that pretty much the same as actually saying the word? I want some opinions and suggestions.

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