Thursday, January 20

325 - Drop

Let's get down to business.

I just dropped my Sociology course. But if I decide I want it back, I have from 8 to 4 tomorrow to do so. Maybe I'll find a better class. I was looking at an Intro to Philosphy, but I do not want to write any papers this semester. Well, really, I don't want to read any books. I hate reading. And yes, I'm still in college. I feel bad though. I'm starting out the semester with only 13 hours. I feel like I'm slacking. I don't mean to offend anyone who does the same. It's just that every semester I've been here, I've taken at least 15 hours. My first semester, I took 17. That semester sucked. With labs and all, it was more like 20. So this is a dramatic difference to me. Then again, I'll be able to focus on my main classes better. My relief class will be my French Horn lessons. It really calms me down.

Also, I bought my brown shoes today. I gave in. They are just too good.

Other than that, not too much happened. Oh, in case you are at someone else's computer, or for whatever reason, you can also reach this blog from Pretty neat, huh?

At the end of our senior year, Anh told me to get a conscience here at UT. Still working on it. I'll try not to disappoint.

And since I have to wake up at 7 tomorrow, I'm done for the night.

(Oh, and I still haven't figured out a time. But believe me, I'm sure I'll have much more interesting stuff during the weekend.)

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