Monday, January 3

294 - Conflict

Got into a big fight with my bro. Sis-in-law and my mom kinda just stood and watched. I hate confrontations. I really do.

You see, when my bro first met my sis-in-law, I got along with her. Then, she started taking on my bro's characteristics. She pretty much became him. I didn't like it, and as a result, I didn't like her anymore. Seriously, I made her cry a couple of times with hurtful words. Then, once they got married, I did my best to be the better person and I accomadated her 'personality.'

Lately she's been trying to be a smartass, even though in this apartment, I am the Resident Smartass. She tries to make people believe she knows stuff. She tries to be funny. She ain't.

So, the three of us have been looking at new apartments. My bro and I have already picked one we absolutely like. It has nice bedrooms, big bath tubs, and 10-ft ceilings. It also happens to have an indoor basketball court. Big plus, even though it's not full court.

But my sis-in-law doesn't want to go there. She wants to do everything in her power to not move there. She wants to look at places that are very inconvenient in terms of location. I go to UT, she works downtown. She keeps looking at places further and further away. It's stupid.

Unfortunately, my bro is totally whipped by her. Totally. And she ignores any of his input. It's stupid.

So, we ended up scouting the one apartment my bro and I like as well as two others my sis-in-law like. Thankfully, her two don't have anything available until April. Our current lease is up in February. The apartment my bro and I like has something available in February.

I'm trying to consider all of my options. But right now, I just hope I don't stress out.

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