Thursday, January 13

313 - Plans

I just read that the feature song in the upcoming movie Constantine is going to be A Perfect Circle's Passive. I love this song. I've seen the trailer for the movie, and I want to see it when it comes out Feb. 18th. What a combination!

I think I'll get my hair trimmed when my parents come down this weekend. I'll probably try to talk my dad into getting a shave there. I don't think he's ever felt a straight razor. And these guys are good. I want to learn how to use one. But I have a fear of sharp objects, so I don't know. I hate being around kitchen knives and such. I just feel like my hand would slip or something. It has nothing to do with pain or bleeding. I just don't like sharp objects.

I went to bed at 6 in the morning yesterday. I woke up at noon. Really weird, because I figured I would have needed a nap or something, but I didn't. Andright now, I feel wide awake. I need to fix my sleep cycle before classes start. Oh, I'm happy that I don't have anything before 10. And nothing later than 2. I can wake up at 8, be back home by 3. That's in time to relax, take a nap, watch my sports shows, and still have over 6 hours to do homework.

I guess I'm not the average college student. I don't drink. I don't pull all-nighters. I try to get 8 hours of sleep. I don't cram. I don't drink energy drinks. Well, at least not anymore. I found this one called Body Slam and it was crazy. It tasted like cherry syrup. It has a picture of a devil on the front of the label. I also tried this one called Mr. Bones, I think. It had a picture of a cartoon skeleton holding sticks of dynamite in each hand. Had an ok taste. I don't like Red Bull. I hate those Starbucks Doubleshots or whatever they're called. Those are nasty. I'd much rather have a Frap.

My bro rearranged the furniture in the living room. I take that as a sign that we are just going to extend the lease on our current place. I'm fine with that. I have my routine and I know the area well. I'll probably rearrange my room. All two pieces.

You know, I should work on fixing up my room. I should turn it into 'the room' in this place. Get some black and white photos on the wall, get some bar stools and a bar table, like they have at Eurway, and I should clean out my closet. Get some new curtains too. I could really use a bookshelf, even though I don't like books.

Either way, I have plans, and that's a start. Now I plan to try to sleep. Gonna wake up at noon, or possibly 11:30.

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