Sunday, January 16

319 - History

Watched Desperate Housewives. (Damn you Tony Parker!) Watched Boston Legal. Don't really want to talk about the football games.

I'm going to start posting earlier than my usual 3AM banter. I need to get my sleeping pattern down. I need to be prepared to wake up at 8 on Tuesday. Yea, only 8AM. I'm so lucky that way. Everyday I go in at 10. On Tuesdays and Fridays, I'm done at 2. Monday and Wednesday, 1. And on Thursday, 12:30. And yes, that somehow adds up to 14 hours. I would take more, but unfortunately I've completed all of my electives. Now I just have to take the core classes and I'm done. Quite possibly I'll be a part time student after this semester. There are restrictions on how many CS courses we can take in a semester, and I don't see a point in paying for more than 6 hours. Tuition here is skyrocketing. I don't want to have too large of a debt.

My parents left this afternoon. For some reason, as I sit at my desk, I feel like they're still here. I'm not sure why.

The things I'd give up to not be sober. To taste Paulaner again. I miss it. And if I succumb, I could very well disappear. And so, I continue to control my urges. And I continue to be extremely jealous.

Another idea. Why don't I type up part of my journal, from the time before blogs?

You know, this is tough. I'm reading through it, and I wrote some dumb stuff in it. I mean, I want to criticize the person who wrote it, but then I remember that I wrote it. Terrible. OK, I read the entire thing, and wow. The things I went through then are nothing compared to the things today.

Alright, I might post later. I want to go to bed at 1, but I don't think that's going to happen. And I'm sure that if I'm up past that time, I'll have something more interesting to write about.

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