Friday, January 14

315 - Nothing

I'm sorry about the last post. I kind of let loose. I'll try not to let it happen again. (I'm not sorry for being honest though.)

So, my parents are going to be here at noon, and I've decided to stay up all night. Or as long as I can. It might be easier for me to adjust if I just go the opposite way. Stay up all night, take a nap at 3, last until midnight, and that'll get me back on track. This could do bodily harm. Maybe I'll just go to bed when I finish this.

I've hit my phase where I deny myself rewards or anything good. Just walking away. It's just a big give up. I want to give up. I want to curl up into a ball and just be.

I took a picture of my walk at night. Got a good picture of the street being empty. I'll upload them soon enough.

You know the ligament between your pinkie nuckle and your ring finger knuckle? Yea, I think I messed it up on my right hand. A while back I punched the floor, but I didn't hit it evenly. My pinkie knuckle was jammed backwards and it hurt like hell. I could still move it, so I didn't think it was too serious. Well, I punched something today, and I think I reinjured it. I can still move my finger, but it's a bit swollen. A very dull pain, but nothing I can't live with. I figure I'll just see what happens in the morning. Or afternoon. Whenever I wake up.

And, to take a page from another's book...

A Perfect Circle - Magdalena
(I'm sure the lyrics can be easily found.)


rowdielou said...

The song of my life: A Perfect Circle - Three Libras

FBombAndy said...

Mine would be the track before, Orestes.