Wednesday, January 12

311 - Flattery

"Double 16 without a blink!"

I'm watching the UK Open 2004 (darts) because it's on. The announcers are hilarious and extremely enthusiastic with every statement. When someone hits triple 20, they practically yell and say nonsense. When referring to a canadian guy who was 5 legs behind, one announcer said, "He's so far behind! He's halfway to Manitoba!" And when they get 180, the crowd goes crazy. It's great. "I don't believe it! He's flying! He's the dutchman!" Scholten won. Wow.

I'm also watching this because one of my fellow bloggers mentions darts every now and then. She totally flattered me tonight, and I am compelled to try my best to return the favor.

There are about 4 blogs I check a bajillion times everyday. I look forward to each author's post that much. She writes one of them. She has a link to the right under 'my links.' Her name takes the form of one letter in this online world. And it works. Her name is J. Her stories are interesting. She can find humor in the most odd situations. And the similarities between her and I make me feel less alone. Especially the part about random strangers revealing intimate details of their life. Although I have to say that is how I met most of my friends. Apparently, I am a person who can be easily talked to. I'm approachable (?) or something. And we both seem to be impatient. We're both looking for the same thing.

You should check out her blog.


rowdielou said...'re so great! ~blush~ If I were in Texas, I'd stalk you! ~hehehe~

Unfortunately I don't have 2" thick glasses, but I could buy some! :P

FBombAndy said...
