Monday, April 19

What I meant was...

I guess the whole argument behind the last post is that I get frustrated knowing that I can put forth 100% effort for one class and get a B or C, while I can half-ass my way through another and get an A. I don't think this CS class is supposed to be easy, in fact, I think it is supposed to help weed out the kids who can't get it done. I don't know. I don't get it. It is very frustrating, and I want to change this. My belief is that if I can get an A in one class, I can get an A in every class. High standards once again.

The worst look ever is when a chic looks at you, and then turns her eyes down and to the right. I mean to describe the look that a chic gives when she sees an ex with whom she has a history. A bad history. I don't know why this happened, but this chic in my history class gave me that look. I have no idea who she is, and I seriously doubt she knows of me. But she looked me in the eye, and then looked down at the floor without turning her head. Really weird expression. Maybe I'm just overanalyzing. I don't know that either. It just felt as if she wanted something, but it wasn't possible. Overanalyzing.

I watch PTI and ATH everyday. I don't look forward to today's episode though. I just know half the panelists are going to dog on the Mavs and their lack of defense. Get over it guys. Fine, they have no defense. But they can shoot your eyes out when they are hot. I'm not worried about their chances of getting out of the first round, I just hope they can realize that it's very possible, even being down a game. Tuesday night, Tuesday night...

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