Tuesday, April 13

Live, plans, B-ball...

Alright, let's get started. Test tomorrow, and I still need to study, even if only a little bit.

Mavs won, Lakers won. This is interesting. If Wednesday Sac loses and the Lakers win, then we face the Kings in the first round. I would love that more than anything and quite possibly more than anyone. Well, that's stretching it actually. But the possibility is there. If the Mavs face the Lakers in the first round, I'm sorry to say that I see an early exit.

Made it through the day alive. That's definitely a good thing. Nothing bad happened, except for sleeping through my Matrices class. Eh, I'll get through it.

By the which, my bro just became a year older. 14th. Old man.

Good dinner. Went to Target. It was alright, except the chicken strips I ate were starting to bubble in my stomach. Not the best feeling. I survived that as well.

B-ball tomorrow afternoon, shower, test. Don't know when I'm going to fit food in between all that. This will be fun though. I understand my programming, and I'm sure I'll follow up that first A with another.

Parents are supposed to come down this weekend, although it isn't guaranteed. If I find out they aren't, well I would love to come home for a little bit. Unfortunately I already signed up to look at apartments. Doesn't matter, I'm 90% sure my parents will come. The weekend after, I would really like to come home. I need a haircut. But once again, something comes up. D may be coming down, and I can't pass up an opportunity like that. It'd be really fun if she watched me beat my roomie black and blue in B-ball. Plus I'll make a better effort to actually accept invitations to leave the dorm. Usually I end up saying no because the roomie is going, and two things come up. One, I don't want to make my roomie think I'm trying to steal his friends away. Two, I don't want to be a fifth wheel of any kind. But I'll put this aside, and I'll try to leave the dorm.

D gave me such a great compliment today. "You'd make a great point." I'm hoping she meant 'point' as in point guard. I think she did. Well, I want to validate this by killing my roomie on the court tomorrow. I've got anger and stuff built up, and I'll turn that energy into something positive. But anyway, thank you D.

It's funny the way my brother put it. Based on how I play him one on one, he said, "You have the point guard body, but you play like a center." Mostly because when I do have someone smaller on me, I do post them up. I play close to the rim, and I go rebound-crazy. Although, when I play people like B, I have to play quick and outside. Even so, he has a 5-inch height advantage, and it is intimidating. He played high school ball. So, if I'm having an off day, he'll win every time. If I'm having an on day, I'll have to stay way out there and hope it falls. Man, if only I were a couple inches taller...I wouldn't have my shot blocked each time. But who knows, maybe my game is different now man. I do like to drive more.

If I played on a 6-foot and under team, I would definitely be their 2 or 3. 2 in that I could run the offense a little, but I don't want to every time. 3 in that I like to play at the elbow and in, as long as there is someone smaller than me playing defense.

Either way, time for sleep.

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