Sunday, April 4

Two paths...

See, D, with all of these new conflicts, or rather, reheating of all these heated arguments with the roomie, I don't know what's going to happen. I noticed you didn't hang out in the dorm that much on your last visit. As a result, we didn't get to laugh at his expense. Those were fun times.

I understand how he can get under people's skin. And I have no choice but to respect your decision to part ways with him. I just feel that because he is the reason you and I met, this will somehow have an effect on the way we communicate.

On the positive side, I know that these arguments will lead you to ask for my input. In that way, I am still needed. I think.

Next year the roomie and I will no longer live together. I will have an apartment with my brother and his wife, while the roomie will have an apartment somewhere else with some of his friends. So when you come to Austin, I don't know what will happen. It will no longer be "Hey, let's go visit R and FBombAndy."

Rest assured though that you are welcome at my new place in June. On the other hand, I'll be completely understanding if you visit Austin but don't have the time to visit my new place.

This next part is for B. Abut the roomie...

Damnit, he is such a nerd. Watching his sci-fi crap, playing his sci-fi games, and yet he doesn't possess the same determination as a nerd. He's a nerd wannabe. He needs to get over himself and accept who he is. I'm sure it would do him good in the long run. What type of person doesn't brush their teeth in the first 30 minutes that they are awake? What type of person turns on their computer first thing just to watch some sci-fi show or play some dinky little computer game? What type of prioritization is that? And are naps that necessary to where 9 hours of regular sleep don't matter? What type of guy takes an hour-long shower? Should I just assume what he's doing in there? You know how when most guys cross their legs, they have ankle on knee? Well, this guy actually has it leg over leg, like a female would. Does that mean he has no balls? Yes, yes, I know I say things like "I'm perfect" and what-not. It's all for good laughs. This guy says things like "I am the best" and "I am greatness" except he says it because he really thinks so. I think you met him. Complete dork. Wouldn't know what to do with a sexually receptive girl if it bit him on the ass. I could go on for quite some time. There are so many flaws there, it would take me more than a day to get it all out there.

He rubs me the wrong way (no porn intended). The only thing I can be happy about is that he uses his headphones every now and then. I dont want to hear his crap music. If someone told me that I would never see him again, I would celebrate by hitting him in the face. Really. I like to avoid confrontations, but I think a right hook might just knock this guy out. I have this feeling that he's never been hit in the face before, so he probably doesn't know how to take a punch.

But anyway, that was just to give you an idea of how annoying this guy is.

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