Wednesday, April 7

Smells, B-ball, the greatest...

D, not only were you confused, but you confused me as well. Sorry if I didn't come through like usual.

Yea, something about our sense of smell being the most attached to memories or something. It's true. At least with me. The things I actually do remember, I usually associate with some smell. When I smell bus exhaust, I think of bus rides to and from high school football games. When I smell...well I don't know how to describe it, but it's sort of like vanilla, I think of my middle school crush. When I smell camp fires, you guessed it, I think of the one time I went camping. Ha, great idea B, let's drop the tree on C.T. Got chased with an ax I sure did.

Nothing wakes me up and gets me more focused than a cool breeze against the top of my hair. After half-time shows, we would take off our helmets. If it was warm enough, and it usually was, one would perspire from their head. So once the helmet was off, a breeze was free to touch your wet hair and send shivers down your spine. Great feeling. That I do miss. I don't miss the rumors. Ha, you know what I'm talking about B. (Not neccesary to elaborate.)

Played ball today. Roomie got 13 points. I'm going to have to stop that. It's no fun if I shut him out, after all, he is kind of new. But he does listen to the pointers I give him. Bah, I should just pick one day to explode and take out my frustration. Took about 8 college 3-pointers, but I only made 3. I was real off today on that. Couldn't get my handles going either. Just going to have to get back into it. He did have a 10 - 3 lead, but I heated up a bit. Went on a 22 - 3 run. Made me feel good. His friend K was there. She got to laugh a bit. I usually play better when chics are watching. Feel under pressure, and I do best under pressure.

Probably going to play again Friday, at least I hope so. Need more playing time.

Either way, got most of my programming assignment done. But it is due Friday. So I'm going to have to step it up on that. Also got a programming test, and an essay next week. Oh well, at least after that I can look ahead to finals. Yea...

I go to bed and to bed I go.

(Oh, {ping-pong} it was decided because of both the reasons you mentioned. Both 'the distance' and the lack of 'quality time.' Not only that, but everyday I realize she just isn't my type. Yes I've known of her for...years...but I still feel that I don't know her. If you want her, go get it, now that you two can communicate again.)

(That, and I just can't have a short-term relationship with a chic who is still pure-minded. Easily corruptible. I couldn't live knowing that I turned her to the dark side. Ha!)

(I say 'short-term relationship' because all relationships start out that way. Short-term relationships evolve into long-term relationships. You can't plan ahead on the first set of dates. And to me, 3 dates is a short-term relationship. Although, if a chic leaves an extra toothbrush in my bathroom, I do have to start thinking in the long run.)

(That's for when I have this apartment. And even then, I consider it mostly for when I have my own place.)

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