Sunday, April 18

Basketball Jones...

Who wants to know how much I'm loving basketball right now? If you answered "no," go ahead and leave.

This is what it breaks down to...

Roomie says he likes basketball. Watches Texas' basketball every now and then, along with the Mavs.

I say I like basketball. I don't like college games, but I'll watch if they are important. When it comes to NBA, I watch. 8 playoff games in two days. I watched all 4 of the Western Conference games, and kept track of the score of two of the Eastern Conference games. Today, I watched the Mavs, and then I watched the Wolves. Afterwards, Inside the NBA. After that, And1's Street Mixtape Tour. And right now, NBA Fastbreak. (By the which, I actually watched the San Antonio Duncans play. Did look good, but it was against Memphis. Can't judge yet.)

Why do I watch so much? First of all, I would argue that I don't watch enough. I know for sure there are probably a million people who keep up with the games more than me. But I watch what I can so I am able to learn more. I watch Cassell and Boykins go at it. I have to observe Boykins because he's playing at a disadvantage height-wise. When he shoots the ball, I have to figure out the best way to mimic his release. Hold on to the ball too long, and it's blocked. Shoot too fast, and it's out. Big difference between me and Boykins is that he's fast as hell, and he's 4 inches shorter. Oh, and he shoots better. Handles better...I guess there's a lot of differences. But you get what I mean.

I improve my game by watching others' techniques. It works too. More confidence in my handles, but I still need to get more consistent with my shot. Soon enough...think I'll focus on that this week.

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