Sunday, April 18

One game...

So what if the Mavs lose game one? They get another opportunity on Tuesday to take away the home-court advantage. Now that Dallas has felt out the Kings, Nellie can put in the right lineups for the right situations. "Small Ball" can get you through three quarters it looks like. He'll definitely have to use Williams and Bradley more in the fourth. Not too much to worry about with Brad Miller. Bum shoulder and elbow. No Bobby Jackson. The key man for the Kings is Anthony Peeler. Those 3's we missed and they made killed us. As I said on the Monday the 12th, the matchup between Finley and Peja decides each game. Peja looked good (5 of 10 from 3-point line). Finley sucked (1 of 8 from 3-point line). Had one nice three-pointer, but after that he cooled off. Peja was one crazy man. He's awesome when he's going left. His favorite direction. There was some good early defense on the back door cuts, and it was great to see Bibby fall.

Fun weekend at my bro's. Parents didn't come down. Instead, it looks like my bro, fel, and I will be coming to Dallas on the last weekend of April. This could be great timing. I need a hair cut, and I can probably wait another week.

Still waiting for my CS test score. Was looking at the rest of my scores in there, and I can honestly believe I will get an A. Great stuff.

Man, I just missed a movie on the Dorm Movie Channel. Sucks. I was hoping to see something really good. Then again, there'll be another movie in an hour or so. I really need to be doing my reading.

Once again....I got nothing.

(By the which, Dirk had 32 points, 13 rebounds, 5 blocks, 3 assists, 3 steals, and only one turnover. Seems like he has something to prove. As I write this add-on, KG has 28 points and 18 rebounds. Not quite 40 - 20 like I predicted, but soon enough. Playoffs, such a different atmosphere. I love it.)

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