Thursday, June 30



You see, one of the problems I need to fix is my late reaction to a clear signal. And by signal, I mean hint. And by hint, I mean someone of the opposite sex giving inaudible clues of interest.

Erik and I stopped by Central Market to pick up some barbecue stuff. Well, I bought some gummi bears and bazooka gum. I guess she was fascinated by what I purchased, because she smiled at me when she gave me my receipt. And it wasn't the "I have to smile to all of the customers" smile. It was the "Hey, what's up" smile.

Damn me and my slowness. 'Cause she was cute.

{Added on around 11:13PM}

Alright. One more class, one more test. I was planning on taking my basketball clothes with me for afterwards, but I've decided not to. For some reason, I'm really tired right now. And I know that I'll be tired tomorrow afternoon. I don't know what's causing it, but I wish it would go away.

I haven't pieced together a new podcast yet. And I'm not sure when I'll have the proper time to do so. I might just put something to fill the void. If I do, it will be tomorrow afternoon.

A while back, I talked about a certain feeling. The feeling where you know you're alone in the room, but you don't feel lonely. Well, tonight, I feel alone. And I really shouldn't. I talked to Brandon today. I talked to my old friend Cedric today also. But at this exact moment, 11:26PM, I feel alone.

And honestly, I wish I could have thought of something interesting to say. Because who knows, I could have been on the phone right now with a really cute chic.

I feel awkward when I hit on a chic in front of one of my friends. Well, more specifically, friends that are 6 to 10 years older than me. Oh, and in front of anyone in my family. I mean, when my bro and I go to the store and I see a chic that catches my eye, I do get that instinct to start a conversation. But then I realize that I'm with my brother. I can't operate like that.

Although, I'm sure if I was hanging out with Brandon or Sam, I'd do just fine.

Ugh. There I go again. Making excuses.

Alright, I give up for the night. I'm going to sleep and try to forget everything. That shouldn't be too hard.

Song of the Moment: Radiohead - Bulletproof...I Wish I Was

Wednesday, June 29



Go see War of the Worlds. I think this is the best movie I have seen. Ever. Kept me on the edge of my seat and admiring all of the effects.

But I still hate Tom Cruise. Doesn't deserve Katie Holmes.

{Added on around 11:52PM}

Alright. I have a test in less than 12 hours. I plan on sleeping for 8 of those 12 hours. That leaves 4 hours to study. Not bad. Except that I just spent 4 hours on the homework that was due yesterday. Yea, no studying for me. Besides, I just have to make a cheat sheet. We're allowed one page of handwritten notes. And lucky for me, my handwriting is both small and neat. I can probably fit all 4 chapters on that one page. All of the important information at least.

Alright, so as you may have noticed, I used the word 'ass' in a previous post (the one right before this one.) And yea, it's the first time I've said it on this blog. I think. But let me get to the point. I was talking with a friend not too long ago, and it was mentioned that the uncensored version has all of the 'good stuff.' So, I'm wondering if I should live up to my name.

You see, I make it a top priority to show great manners. This includes standing up to shake someone's hand, holding the door open for women and the elderly, and not using profanity in the presence of women and children. Also throw in 'excuse me,' 'please,' and 'thank you.'

But at the same time, that is only part of what makes 'FBombAndy.' Should I keep my posts PG, or should I hold nothing back?

And if you think I'm just doing this for shock value, you might want to think again. As Brandon can testify, I am extremely creative with my use of profanity. Especially when I'm really wound up.

And, as the now 22-year old Luis can tell you, I had a very cool backpack once. I drew a picture of a hand on it with white-out. And this hand was showing a world-known symbol. A symbol that draws all of it's meaning from just one finger. That's right. I did it. And I loved it.

Alright, before I start reminiscing about the 'good ol' days,' I'm going to get some sleep.

{Added on around 12:01AM}

Oh, and Anh turns 21 Thursday. Which is today, since it's past midnight. Whatever. 21!

Song of the Moment: Nine Inch Nails - All the Love in the World

Tuesday, June 28


First, I'd like to direct everyone's attention to Luis. In about 27 minutes, he's going to add another year to his age. Feels like just yesterday that he was celebrating 21.

Speaking of which, 1 month and 22 days. Then I'll be celebrating 21.

I have a test on Thursday. Then I have a test on Friday. This means that I should be studying my ass off right now. But, as you can tell, I am not. I do not believe in studying. I probably should look into it though.

But what I'm really looking forward to is my mom coming down this weekend. Not only do I get to tell her all about what stresses me out, but I get my receiver back! I miss listening to my music through something other than crappy computer speakers and some clunky headphones. The headphones are OK, but for the audiophile within, I need something better.

And something rare happened today. I got a call from my sis! I haven't talked to her in quite a long time. But it was a good conversation. And she really gave me good advice. I am very proud of her because she is so successful She is married, just bought a home, and works for Siemens. From what I understand, she handles international transactions for them. I'll have to confirm this, but it's what I've been told.

I'm in the process of adding my podcast to iTunes. If you haven't heard, iTunes 4.9 was released earlier today. The big thing about it is the new directory of podcasts. So, I went and added mine. Apparently they review it first, but I don't see any reason why mine shouldn't be added.

Otherwise, I don't have much else to report. I'm going to bed.

Song of the Moment: Radiohead - No Surprises

Monday, June 27


Hell yea!

The name "FBombAndy" was said on live television!

As you know, I watch Attack Of The Show on G4TV. Well, I submitted a question and they used it! And they said FBombAndy!

I dunno. Just thought it was cool.

Song of the Moment: None

Sunday, June 26


Alright, I figure I should post before I pass out. I don't know what's wrong, but I'm feeling rather sick. I've had a headache all day and now I feel like I'm in an oven. Maybe it was something I ate, but I can't figure out what the source may have been.

As you may have noticed, this blog has a new address. I've relocated because there are evil forces in the southern hemisphere that I wish to remain anonymous from. OK, they aren't evil like demons or whatever. I just don't want to be annoyed by the immature. My patience is something that should not be tested right now. I am stressed out, as usual, and I need to find some peace of mind.

Also, I did not get a podcast up tonight. I'm sorry. I'll have one up sometime this week. I just need to do some more thinking and analyzing.

I feel a little bad because I may have left some readers behind. I'll have to think of a way to fix this.

OK, that's enough. I need sleep.

Song of the Moment: Audioslave - Cochise

Saturday, June 25


Sorry, it's been a while.

First, I want to say that I do appreciate what Michael Finley did for the Mavericks. I have a great deal of respect for his loyalty. But I am a realistic person, and I can't imagine Finley sitting on the bench or producing the same numbers as he did years ago. I think a Chicago Bulls uniform would suit him well. I don't hate Finley. In fact, I don't hate anyone that is a part of the Mavericks Organization.

Second, for the reader(s) I have that know of lucid dreaming and such, I did have a lucid dream last night. For the most part. I was able to think before every action and I observed every minute detail of my enviornment. But I was not able to control that same environment. As for the subject of the dream, it is not something I wish to discuss. I just wanted to tell of my experience.

Now I'm not so sure that I will have a podcast up by Sunday night. While I do have many things to talk about, I am still searching for a format I can use. It is kind of nice that I am the only voice you hear, but I'd like to think that I can add more. I feel like I need to come up with bits, catchphrases, and an ideal length. I have high expectations for whatever I may create. If I feel that I am doing a bad job, or just an average job, then I will move on to another project.

I hold myself to a high standard, so when I don't do well on a homework assignment or I just don't do something right, I become frustrated with myself. I set out to learn and improve. I never want to take a step backwards.

If you've known me long enough, you probably know that I excel in very few particular subjects. I love phsyics. Not so much the electron and particle area, but the mechanical side. Velocity, gravitational pull, torque, just anything like that. But besides physics, I am not an expert at anything. Sure, I can program in java, c++, and html. I can write music, play the french horn, play basketball, read a schematic for an amp, set up a home theater system, and do laundary. But I am not the first person to call regarding those skills. I'm probably not one of the first twenty. They are things I know how to do, but not how to do well.

Alright, that's enough. I don't want to bring myself down too much. I think I'm going to sleep for a while. I didn't wake up until 10:45AM this morning and that was awesome. I hope to do it again. 9+ hours sounds really good right now.

Thursday, June 23


Let's start with the biggest news of this NBA season.

Shawn Bradley is going to retire! This is very bittersweet. He ate up millions of the Mavs salary cap. But also, he provided comedy relief the second he stepped on the court. How many times has he walked on the court, got called for a foul within 5 seconds, and then picked up a technical foul for clapping his hands? Whereas Tim Duncan can yell for 2 minutes straight and not get a tech, if Bradley looks at the ref, he gets a tech. Also, throw in his superpower of turning red on command. Mavs basketball is going to miss this piece of entertainment.

And on to the second biggest news. The Spurs won. I was right on my final prediction. And for the first 3 quarters, I was worried. I really thought Detroit was going to pull away with it. After seeing 'Sheed hit that 3-pointer with less than a minute remaining, I felt bad for him. I can relate to 'Sheed because I do have a mean temper. So, to summarize, I hate the Spurs more than ever because they made me look bad 3 times, and now the Mavs have to face the 'defending champion' 4 times next season. I also have sympathy for the Pistons, mainly because I want to see 'Sheed succeed.

I am not active in politics, nor do I grab a newspaper for the sole purpose of catching up on current issues. Honestly, I do not care for politics. However, there's something about an amendment that bans flag-burning. Do you want to find out why I do not discuss politics?

It's because I do not take sides on issues. I see both sides with every disagreement. So, I'm stuck in the middle very often. And who really likes a person who is a middle-of-the-road type?

There are two types of people from what I understand. There are those who think there are only absolutes, and then there are those that see the shaded area in the middle.

So, there's the argument that flag-burning should be allowed because of the 1st amendment. Then there's the argument that flag-burning is a symbol of defiance or a challenge to the government. I can completely understand both of these perspectives. And because I do not see one as being right and the other being wrong, I am in no-man's land.

You can name any issue, and I will tell you what I think. But do not expect a clear 'yes' or 'no.'

In case you're wondering, this was my source of inspiration.

Alright, I don't have to wake up until 8:30AM or so. I can stay up for a little bit. Maybe I'll add on later tonight. By the which, I did record a little bit of stuff for my 5th podcast, but I feel that I need more material before I begin editing. I expect it to be up by Sunday night.

Song of the Moment: Audioslave - Be Yourself

Wednesday, June 22


Alright guys, bear with me. I recorded another podcast and I'm still editing. I'll post here in just a little bit.

{Added on around 12:10AM}

Alright, I finished the editing and I'm uploading it right now. I don't know exactly when it will be available, but I'll let you all know.

Once again, I'm going to sleep sometime around 1AM. But at least tomorrow is Thursday. Last day of 3 hours of class for the week. Oh, I forgot to mention something from yesterday. On my way to CS 336, a blonde chic walked in ahead of me, but held the door for me. It was a little awkward, since guys are supposed to do that. But what made it nice was the fact that she smiled at me. Smiles are nice. And now I realize that.

Oh wow, it's already uploaded. I'll post it on my podcast blog right now. Podcast 4 is now up. Go get it while it lasts!

(Links within a post will now be displayed in white.)

I can tie a cherry stem into a knot using only my tongue. I've got mad skillz! Just throwing something out there...

Alright, so it's late and I'm desperate for sleep. Maybe class will be cancelled tomorrow!

Oh, and one last thing. Brandon posted on his blog! Link to the right, tell him to do it more often.

Song of the Moment: Queens of the Stone Age - In My Head

Tuesday, June 21


Alright, 500 posts. I wasn't sure if I would make it this far.

First of all, I'll tell you about the dream I had 2 nights ago. And don't worry, it's PG. Contrary to what some people may say, (Brandon, I'm looking in your direction.) I do have clean dreams.

So I was in my old dormitory and right outside of my first dorm room. Somewhat. The original address of my dorm was 1344, while the one in my dream was 1310. I figure it has to do with 1310AM The Ticket. But I went in, and two chics were there. I recognized one of them from my first Spanish class. A cute brunette that I only talked to a couple of times. I'll tell you why it was only a couple of times after I'm done with this dream.

I said, "I just need a place to hang out for the meanwhile." They happily offered the room, even though it was late at night. In fact, they were just heading to bed. And they offered their bed. I wasn't sure why there were two chics and only one bed, but I wasn't complaining. So I'm in their bed, and I'm trying to sleep. I must have been tired because it's already a dream and I'm trying to go to sleep. But I notice that the bed begins to shrink. And then my bro walks in. After him, my mom. And they did not mention anything about there being two chics in the bed with me. They just wanted to say "hi."

That's about when I woke up.

The reason why I only talked to the cute brunette a couple of times was because I was constantly around my 'partner-in-crime.' Apparently she thought we were 'close' or something of that sort. So, she didn't try to interfere or anything. How do I know this? Because I asked her at the end of the semester. Unfortunately, I don't see her on campus at all anymore.

As for the dream and its meaning, I think this was just one of those pointless dreams. Traces of memories like my mom saying, "Your bed is big enough for two people." Also bits from my recent podcast about wanting to listen to The Ticket. Also, I truly believe that a guy and a chic can share a bed without anything physical happening. So that explains the PG rating.

Now, on to the next thing on my list.

This is a special post. 500. And as such, I want to make a few statements for everyone to read.

One. I have a handful of friends left from high school. Brandon, Fermin, Luis, Anh, and CT. I also recently caught up with Sam, so that makes 6. My parents have met all 6 (I think) and they are all considered friends of the family. If any of them needed help during the middle of the night, it's almost guaranteed that one of my parents would wake up and get there. And if they needed the shirt off of my back, I'd do it without hesitation. I am very thankful to have friends like those mentioned above.

Two. I also have friends that I only get to communicate with by way of this blog, email, or text messages. The two I think of at this moment are Janyce and Jamie. I look forward to each word you write and I'm glad that I know the both of you. I have nothing but my best wishes for you both.

Three. To the people I've met in the recent weeks, or today in one case, thank you. Keep talking to me. I'll listen.

Four. For all of the readers I have but do not know, thank you. Don't be afraid of letting me know who you are or what you think.

And lastly, what's up with those Spurs? Now I have to adjust my prediction to the Spurs winning in 7. I went from sweep to 5 to 6 to 7. Stop toying with me, San Antonio!

I couldn't go a whole post without mentioning something basketball-related. Sorry.

And I hope things don't get all mushy now. Unless kisses will be involved. And not from the guys. I'm not into that.

Alright, I'm off to bed. Another day filled with boring activites. And class. I might text people during class to keep me awake. I'm in class from 10AM to 1PM. For those on the West Coast, that's 8AM to 11AM.

Song of the Moment: Nine Inch Nails - Right Where It Belongs

Monday, June 20


Wow, today was fun!

I was half-asleep during my first class. We talked about transistors and how they function. But hey, I was half-asleep! Then I zombie-marched to my second class and zoned out during that! Well, for the most part anyway. I decided that the lecture was boring, so I worked on the homework that's due Thursday. You know I'm bored when I do homework earlier than one day before its due.

How is it 11 degrees hotter in downtown Austin than it is in Round Rock? That makes no sense. None at all.

I think I should go to the doctor again. The heartburn is becoming more frequent. And more painful. I'm sure it's another stomach ulcer. Isn't that just my luck? So that means another diet of oatmeal and bananas. Oh, I'm looking forward to it already.

So, I had this weird dream. Really weird. And I can't get it out of my head.

Wow, 1 post away from 500! That's half of a thousand!

One thing I do want to mention is that I'm happy that the lockout is going to be avoided. I hate anything related to the summer, but there is one thing I do make an exception for. NBA free-agency and trading. You never know what to expect once you wake up in the morning. If there would have been a lockout, I would have gone crazy.

Alright, I'm bored again. I think I'll go to bed.

Song of the Moment: Tool - The Grudge

Sunday, June 19


Podcast 3 is now up. (Click the link. Click the title.) It's a large file, so I hope you have DSL or cable. Let me know what you think.

It's late, and I need sleep. So I'll make this a real post later today.

{Real post starts here.}

Spurs in 6. That's right. Who knew Old Man Horry still had it in him? Amazing. Spurs in 6.

This weekend has sucked so much that there is no way for me to describe it in a PG-13 setting. But here, I'll try.

It sucked like a professional sex 'therapist' performing an extreme act of love on a man. And I'll leave it at that.

I spent most of today wishing that there could be one more day of rest, but as I check my clock and calendar, it didn't work. Tomorrow is still Monday. It's still going to be incredibly hot. And I still have to go to two classes. My only ray of hope is that afterwards I can come home and sleep/play games/call people/do nothing.

I recently found some more inspiration for a new podcast. I know, I just put one up about 18 hours ago. But I realize that there are many things I'm holding back. I've given myself boundaries, but that's not the way I do things. I should just be myself.

There are people I miss, but they shouldn't need me to tell them so. Nevertheless, if you're not sure, ask. I'll be honest.

My nephew took steps today. He took his first step a week ago or so, but today he put together a string of steps. And he did it a couple of times. I recorded it with my phone. Great stuff. My dad really liked it.

Speaking of which, today was Father's Day. I want to give my dad praise.

By the time he was 18, he already had two kids with my mother, who was 19. Somehow, he managed to make a living, support my mother, and raise my brother and sister. I was born when he was 26. He spent a ton of time with me. I was his 'shadow' as he liked to say. I followed him everywhere. When I was growing up, I did want to be just like him.

All three of us (my bro, my sis, and I) are of above average intelligence. We all graduated in the top 10% of our class, did well on our SATs, and so on. My father worked his butt off to make sure we had the necessary items to succeed. He made sure we had the motivation as well.

If I can be half of the father he is, I'll be more than happy. Of course, that's if/when I decide to have kids and do all of the settling down and what-not.

Either way, I'm going to sleep. I'm out.

Song of the Moment: Radiohead - I Will

Saturday, June 18


If you saw this post earlier today, then you know exactly who I hate.

Today had to be the worst day ever. I'll skip to the best parts. I took my CS 336 test and it actually took all of the time we were given. I think I did well, but that usually means I didn't read a question right or I missed some key detail. Then it was time to catch the bus home. Well, there was a big parade downtown, so every bus was on a different route. While it usually takes 40 or so minutes for me to get home from campus, it took about 2 hours today.

Needless to say, I was extremely pissed when I finally made it home. Most of today has been spent punching random objects. I'm stressed. I'm frustrated. I want a reward! A prize! Just something to cheer me up.

I've introduced a few more links to the right. Kevin Rose was a host on G4's Attack of the Show. He has a new online show called Systm where he builds useful gadgets. Kevin Pereira is a current host on Attack of the Show. Funny guy. He also does a podcast, and his first one was hilarious.

So, I mention my hate for Tom Cruise yesterday, and this morning I read that he proposed. Could he take any less time to pop the question? He's slowly moving up the list...

Alright, time for bed. I'll probably record my podcast later today. Or I'll do it right now if I can't sleep. But I don't think that will be a problem.

Song of the Moment: Queens of the Stone Age - The Blood is Love

Thursday, June 16


Some new interesting developments. Not necessarily good though.

Have my first test of the summer tomorrow. Isn't that great?!? I figure I'll get to campus early, read the book a few times, and just bulldoze through the test. By the way, this CS 336 class sucks! It's nothing but logic so far. Stuff like, if A, then B is congruent to not A or B. And that's what the book is. Not an easy read.

The program was easy. It took about 2 minutes, like I guessed. Very simple. Not useful.

Alright, because I have to talk about it, what's up with the Spurs? I finally start picking them to win, and they play like crap two games in a row? I'll have to amend my prediction. At first, I said they would sweep Detroit. Then I said they would win in 5 games. Well, I'm now saying that they will win in 6 games.

One more day. I keep telling myself that every hour or so. I need a weekend. I want to record a new podcast since I downloaded some new audio editing software. Much better and more reliable than what Nero puts out. I'll be able to sound like a pro!

And once again, I feel like going into the bat cave. Hmm...I want to see that new Batman movie. I hate Tom Cruise. Nicole Kidman, Penelope Cruz, and now Katie Holmes? How? Why? He can't be taller than 5'2. And he's crazy!

And with that, I am out.

Song of the moment: A Perfect Circle - Breña

Wednesday, June 15


So, I finished one homework assignment. Well, 75% of one. I still have to write a small program that converts decimals to floating point. It'll take around 2 minutes. I figure I'll wait until the last moment to do it.

Oh, this chic that was working the library counter today was kind of rude. Talking about how she isn't psychic. There are books on reserve, and I gave her the title AND author. And then she said something like, "You're going to have to give me more information. I'm not psychic." Next time, I'll give her the ISBN, the year it was published, how much it costs used and new, how old the author is, and his father's name. There's only one word I can think of to describe her...

I want to play some basketball.

When I'm sitting in class and things get boring, I wish I would have brought my basketball clothes. I would pack my stuff, walk out of the room, and go play. There's a gym just 200 or so yards from the first building I go to. I figure that I can find some bathroom along the way, change, and just shoot around for a few hours.

I realized something a few days ago. I don't need to be a full time student right now. It's the summer. So, I'm dropping my psychology class. It starts during the second summer session, so I have time. Also, that should lower my tuition bill.

It would also mean that starting July 9th or so, I would go to class from 10AM to 11:15AM and that would be all. Sounds very ideal to me. Then I really would keep my ball clothes with me. The only problem I see with that is I would lose track of time. I might be on campus from 10AM to 3PM. I can imagine playing that long. Especially indoors.

If there's any season I absolutely hate, it's summer. And if there's any season I absolutely love, it's fall. Especially right at the end, around November. Nothing is better than that weather.

I miss band practice during mid-November. Everyday, the directors would warn everyone to bring a jacket. It would be so cold outside.

And now that reminds me of the bus rides to and from football games. I had plenty of fun on the bus my junior year. And most of my senior year. During my first two years, I always had one bench to myself. I can still remember listening to Californication.

By the way, I'm really liking the new Audioslave CD. And the new Nine Inch Nails CD.

Alright, that's enough. I'm out.


Alright, I'm about to start both of my homework assignments. And I have to be finished by 10AM tomorrow morning. I think I have plenty of time.

After seeing the words "'lucid dreaming" again, I thought I would share a dream with you all.

I can't remember what night it was, but I'm guessing that it was Sunday night. Well, I was outside and the clouds were rolling in. Everything went gray and dark. All of the sudden, cold winds blew hard and snow began to fall. (Yea, it sounds like the movie "The Day After Tomorrow." I know.)

Next thing I know, I'm in a helicopter. We actually fly above the clouds, and for a brief moment I could see the sun. The helicopter started to descend though, so it was only for a few seconds.

Next, I was in an incredibly tall hotel. And I don't mean 20 floors. I think I saw a 65 in the elevator. Well, I went down to the ground floor to figure out where I was. When I got to the hotel lobby, I saw someone I recognized. One of my readers. There's was something mentioned about how they were walking to the wedding. But when I looked at the rest of the group that was walking with us, I didn't know anyone else.

It was weird. It's not the first time I've seen the end of the world in my dreams.

Either way, I'm going to start my homework. I figure that if I can get it done by 7 or so, I'll be much happier and relaxed. And isn't that a good thing?

Tuesday, June 14


Two homework assignments due on Thursday. Test on Friday.

This sucks.

My mom said she would bring back my receiver when she comes back to Austin. You see, this is how the three-way trade went down.

I gave my mom my newer Sony receiver (STR-DE485) and she gave my bro her much older receiver (a Sony with phono input) and I used my vintage Harman/Kardon 430. My Harman/Kardon is messed up now. There's a hissing sound coming through both channels, and as far as I can tell, it's a capacitor. So, I'm stuck without a receiver. I would like to get it repaired, but this is going to cost anywhere from $50 to $100. Possibly more. Some places that repair vintage equipment have a $160 flat-rate price.

I love my music. And I hate it when I'm forced to listen to any song through crappy speakers. I do have some decent headphones, but it's not the same. So either way, I'm going to get my old receiver back. I told my mom that I would make it up to her by buying a new receiver for her in August.

The Spurs lost. And badly. But the refs took them out of the game from the very beginning. Yea, they had the half-time lead. But it should have been by 12 points, not 1 point. So, the Spurs aren't going to sweep. Well, I'm picking them to win in 5 games.

Brandon helped me out by finding a name for my podcast. It will now be known as "Bombastic." I think it works. If you don't know what it means, check out I'll get a new one posted by Sunday. It looks like Sunday will be the weekly time for uploading.

Well, I'm worn out. This morning was harsh. Got a real bad case of acid reflux. Oh well. I'll live.

Monday, June 13


I just read a story about boys who are thrown out of their polygamous societies for wearing short-sleeved shirts, listening to music, and dating. Teenagers receive as little as 2 hours notice before they are driven to a different city. There, they are left on the side of the road and forced to create a living on their own.

This is done so that there is less competition for older men, and to ensure that there are more available woman.

This is stupid. Some old men are afraid of a little competition.

I admit, when there's a chic around, and there are other guys in the area, I tend to get a little competitive. I try to show off what I'm capable of. I won't purposely make fun of people, or laugh at their misfortunes. But if they are the better man, then so be it.

I almost want to move to these polygamous societies just to take all of the women. I'd like to see some old geezer try to kick me out. It would take an army.

Either way, I have to go to campus early tomorrow because the libraries here are run by the incompetent. Oh, same goes for the advising offices. And the financial aid office.

Looking back, I shouldn't have encouraged Fermin to come here. It's better for him at Cornell. It sucks here too much. But I'm already so far down the road, I might as well finish and move on.

Sunday, June 12


Don't have much today either. Big bag of nothing.

I cooked hot dogs. That's not difficult. So I don't feel too bad.

I've been saying before the series started that the Spurs were going to sweep. I'm sticking with it. It's all about offense in this series. You have to put the ball in the basket if you want to win.

I've made a decision about my receiver. I'm going to buy a new one in August. A Harman/Kardon HK-3380. It's nice, and it's not too expensive. As far as my vintage receiver goes, I'm probably going to get it fixed and auction it off. It's just not reliable. This is the 4th or 5th time it's gone out. I'm tired of it. Yes, the sound is awesome, but I just don't like fixing things every other month.

I hope I still have my Physics book. Otherwise I'll have to wake up earlier and check one out at the library. That would suck.

I just found out that I have to go there anyway. The book I need for one of my classes is in, so I'm going to check it out. I think I get to keep it for a month. 2 weeks if someone else requests it. I doubt that will be the case. But I need to do that first thing tomorrow morning.

Maybe I'll eat breakfast at Wendy's. They have those biscuit sandwiches. They're pretty good.

I did upload a lower bitrate version of my podcast. It's roughly 1.7MBs. That should be fine for most people out there. I'm hoping to eventually get 20 or 30 minute shows down. But I really need a helping hand. Once again, I can't wait until Brandon comes down to Austin.

(By the way, if anyone is wanting to start up a blog with more than one contributor, I'm totally willing to do it.)

Alright, it's getting late. I'm going to search my closet for my Physics book, and then I'm going to bed.


Alright, I'm not feeling too good tonight. Erik went to the store and bought some ground beef for hamburgers. I did all of the cooking, so that probably explains why I don't feel good.

My first real podcast is up. I have a link on the right. It's about 3.5MB, so it might take a while if you're on dial-up or something. If this is too big of a file, I can create another at about half the size. The only downside is that the quality won't be as good. Let me know what you think.

So anyway, it's late. I'm out.

Saturday, June 11


Nope, I don't have much for you today. While I can't say today was boring, I can say it wasn't that interesting.

I finally gave up on the idea of fixing my receiver on my own. While I was working on it today, I realized that what I was doing was very dangerous. I could have been electrocuted. I've been electrocuted before. I don't think I want to do it again.

Alright, I was 3 or 4. I stuck a key into an electrical outlet. Not the smartest thing. Once again, I was 3 or 4.

So yea, I'm going to leave the repairs to a real expert. I don't know what I'm doing. Well, I know a little bit, but not enough.

Really, that's all I have for now. I'll post more tomorrow. Well, it's Saturday right now. I guess I mean that I'll post more later today. Hopefully.

By the way, still waiting for topic ideas or anything useful. Just waiting here...doing nothing...waiting...

Thursday, June 9


I just finished watching the game. I was wrong about one thing. I said that the Spurs can get a 100, and the Pistons can get 80. That's not the case. The Spurs are guaranteed 80 and the Pistons are guaranteed 65. And I really believe that's how each game will go. Of course I'm still sticking with my pick of the Spurs winning in 5 games or less.

I tried making a podcast today, but I couldn't get the audio levels right. The background music would be the right volume, but then I didn't pick up well on the mic. I tried making another, and the same thing happened. I just need to play around a little more with the equalizer and see what I can change. But I think I can have something up by Sunday.

And seriously, I would really like some input on what you all want to hear. I could spend an hour talking about how basketball is great, how baseball sucks, and how golf should be illegal. But I don't think that's what anyone wants to hear. Again, suggestions are very welcome.

I did half of my homework tonight, but that means I still have half to do. I'm planning on going to the library and seeing if the book is in. If it's still out, then I'm screwed. So, I'm going to wake up like usual, but if there's no email telling me it's here, then I'm going back to sleep until 9AM.

Did I mention that I figured out why I'm sluggish some days and fine on others? It has nothing to do with how much sleep I get. It has everything to do with how I wake up. If my alarm goes off and I have a hard time finding it, then I usually have a rough day. This can happen when I wake up on my left side. You see, I fall asleep on my right side, and that's how I remember exactly where my alarm clock is. When I wake up on my left, I feel confused and swat at the air. So, if I wake up on my own, without the aid of an alarm clock, I feel fine. It can be 4AM, as long as it's not my alarm.

By the which, I had a weird dream last night. I was taken hostage by some guy with a gun. It took most of my dream to figure out a way to escape. Eventually I did, but it was still weird.

I worked on my receiver today. I finally got sound to come out of the right channel. But there's still a hissing sound coming through. I haven't figured out how to fix that yet. If I solve this one, I will be happy for a few months.

You know, I think I'll get on AIM for a little bit. But then I'm going to bed. I'm a bit tired.

Wednesday, June 8


Well, today was alright. I accomplished plenty.

One of the ways that I describe my thinking process is that I see everything in 1s and 0s. That's right, in binary. I can't really explain it. When you give me two numbers and tell me to multiply them, everything is broken down, then I do the process, and then I put it back together. But it's not in the traditional way.

For example, my bro (who has a math degree) likes to find little patterns with numbers. He also likes to find new ways of doing simple things. He told me about how he multiplies fractions, and I told him how I do it. And we do it two totally different ways. We took the simple problem of 0.35 * 0.45. He sees (7/20) * (9/20). Then he multiplies across, which is (63/400). From there he breaks it down. The way I see it is (35 * 5) + (35 * 4 * 10). I can do all of it in my head. I take (35 * 5) and I note that:

(35 * 2) = 70.
(70 * 2) = 140.
(140 + 35) = 175.

Now, for (35 * 4), I've already calculated the answer. It's the second line from above. So, In my head is 140 and 175. I remember that 140 should be 1400. Simple add, move the decimal 4 places, and you get your answer, 0.1575. Now, that was a simple problem. If you give me something with 4 digits, that will take me a bit longer.

Alright, that was way too nerdy. (You know those word searches where you circle the letter and not the entire word, and then you're left with letters that spell something out? I did one of those in my head, without using a pen, pencil, or anything that can mark the paper. My mom likes to do those, so I grabbed one I'd never seen before, went through and gave her the answer. Then she did it with a pen and was totally shocked. But, if you ask me to do it again, I'll fail. I don't know why I could do it that one time. See, THAT's nerdy.)

So, I'm still working on my setup for my podcasting. I have the headphones, I have the mic, and I have some audio editing software. I still need to accept what I sound like when I'm recorded. I don't like pictures, and I don't like being recorded.

Brandon has offered to do a show with me the next time he comes to Austin. I'm already looking forward to it. I have no idea what we'll talk about, but you can bet it will be funny and/or mildly offensive. Who knows, maybe we'll say something so insightful that you stare into the mirror for 4 days straight thinking about your existence.

Alright, I'm going to bed. One more 3 hour day, then Friday, which is a 90 minute day. Not bad at all.

Tuesday, June 7


Alright, just some little news stuff.

Yes, those are Google ads underneath the archive links. I decided to sign up for the Google Adsense program. Why? I don't know. I really don't know.

I was going to record my first podcast today, but I just don't feel well. I have my intro music and ending music all set up. I even had a set of topics.

I'm taking my Nexium again and hoping that I'll be 100% sometime soon. It looks like stress and frustration have finally set in. And not much of it is coming from classes.

I woke up at 7:45AM this morning. I felt extremely sluggish through my classes. So, let's recap. When I go to bed at 12AM and wake up at 4AM, I feel fine during my classes. When I go to bed at 1AM and wake up at 7:45AM, I feel terrible. More sleep = bad? I don't know why.

Luis is right. I shouldn't have my away message up all of the time. I should make myself more accesible. He made me realize that I really have no reason for doing it. I have no reason for being away all of the time. When I talk with Brandon, we reminisce and laugh. When I talk with Luis, it's always thought-provoking. And whenever it looks like I have a problem, both of them can offer sound advice. (I don't call Anh nearly enough.)

I'm ready to call it a day. I'm tired, and I'm just a little bit bored. Probably heading back to my antisocial ways. Just going to hide in my room and lock the door.

Monday, June 6


Detroit is going to get beat down in the Finals. San Antonio has a defense comparable to Detroit. The difference is that San Antonio has the better offense. They outscored the highest scoring team in the NBA this season 4 out of 5 games. They held that same team under 100 points 2 times. Detroit hasn't faced a disciplined offense like the Spurs' so far in the playoffs. They also haven't played against a tight defense like the Spurs'. Now, I really hate the Spurs. But it's their championship to lose this year. Detroit isn't going to repeat.

I passed out for 40 minutes about 2 hours ago. I hope that doesn't keep me awake too long.

Alright, I figure I'll start recording sometime soon. Any suggestions? Topics? Want a name drop?

I wonder if I can use drops from The Ticket. They are put on a special page for listeners to download. I bet I have to get permission.

That's all I have for now. 1 day down, 4 more to go. Hmm, now that I think about it, I should record during the weekend. That will leave more time for anyone who wants to contribute. Ooh, I could interview someone I know. I would like it more if this were a two-person show. But I'm the only one in Austin.

And I'm out.


Alright, I did my homework. It took me about 2 hours, but I didn't have any important plans. And I do feel like I've accomplished something. Doing homework is worthwhile. And it only took me 3 years to learn this! (Alright, not really. I do my homework. I just always wait until the last minute.)

I woke up at 4AM this morning. My dream was so boring that I didn't want to sleep anymore. Well, that's what I'm telling myself. This problem is frustrating, mostly because I don't have a solution. Well, tonight I'm going to force out 7 hours of sleep. At the very least.

Well, one of my shows is about to come on. I'll update later tonight.

Sunday, June 5


Alright, so I didn't do my homework. It's not due until Tuesday anyway. I'll be fine. As long as I remember to do it.

Spent most of the day looking at the schematics of my receiver. I've narrowed down the problem even further. It's either the pre-amp, or it's the main amp. I printed out the circuit board configuration as well. I'm slowly learning where each piece fits and its purpose. I figure I'll go buy a multimeter sometime this week or next. If I still don't figure it out, I'm going to take it to a repair shop. Apparently this receiver is a big collecter item. I believe it. If only it would work.

Tomorrow is my first 3 hour day. Go in at 10AM, get out at 1PM. Not bad. I bought some snacks at the store today so I can eat something between class. For some reason, my stomach growls when I'm not even hungry. And it can get loud. But if I eat, then I'm fine. I know, I know. Stomach growls, I eat, so it must have been hunger. But really, this can happen an hour after I eat. So it's really not that.

I haven't tried creating a podcast yet. Mostly because I'm afraid of how I will sound. I've always wanted to do my own radio show. I figure I'm funny enough to make people laugh. I can discuss current issues every now and then. And sometimes I say things that should be quoted. Hmm...maybe I'll practice this in my spare time. I have a mic and good sound card, so I just need to take time to prepare what I'm going to say, find some nice catchphrases, and think of some nice topics. (I definitely like the 10-minute model suggested by Eric Rice. [Thanks, Anonymous.])

I miss the music building. It's always so nice there. No one is rude, it's comfortable enough to sleep on one of the couches, and most of the profs are cool.

I still don't like Beck, but I'm glad he's not making "feel sorry for me" songs. My first roommate beat me down with that junk. And Coldplay.

That reminds me, it's time to find some new music to listen to. I've previewed the new Nine Inch Nails CD. It's good. A bit of their old stuff mixed with some new ideas. I still need to get the new Audioslave CD. I think I'll jump on iTunes and find some stuff.

Eh, it's almost time to sleep. Maybe I'll just look through my current catalog and pick out some of my old favorites. 13 GBs of music! That's right. Oh yea.

And I'm out.


Alright, I jumped on the BitTorrent bandwagon. And the whole podcasting bandwagon. I'm so far behind, but I'm trying people. I'm really trying.

In fact, I'm entertaining the idea of creating my own podcasts. It could be fun. I can reach a new audience by making my blog audible. But really, it could be fun. I could sit in front of my computer, talk about things I hate, things I like, and there will be plenty of slip-ups. Every now and then, I'll say something that can be totally misinterpreted. Unfortunately for those who read this, I delete all statements that might be mildly offensive if taken the wrong way. And that means you're missing a part of what makes me who I am. Of course, you can always bug Brandon and ask him. I say crazy stuff all of the time.

I didn't go to sleep until 5AM last night. That doesn't help me at all considering that I'm trying to get up early on weekdays. Oh, and starting Monday, I'll have to be waking up at 7:45AM from now on, except on Fridays. And this will go on until both summer sessions are finished. I think that's somewhere around August 12th. Oh, and 8 days later, I turn 21! That's right! In yo face!

What about a video? I can record stuff with my phone. Of course, it's real small and what-not. I wonder if I can upload this stuff. I know, I'll make a test video right now.

So, I made one, and it played on my computer with quicktime. But now I'd have to get a server and do all of that. Oh well. I'll figure something out.

Either way, I'm out. Got to wake up early so I can go to bed early. Oh crap, I forgot about homework. I have all day to do it. Good enough for me.

Saturday, June 4


Guess who's pissed off!

It's me!!!

My Harmon/Kardon blew out its right channel, so now I can only get sound out of one speaker. It sucks. I tried replacing the fuses and tracing the wires, but I couldn't figure it out. As far as I can tell, a capacitor quit on me. I'm not really sure, but that's my first guess. I've been working on this for about 4 hours straight. I just can't solve this one.

So, I'm stuck on these crappy eMachines computer speakers. I'm probably just going to plug in my headphones, 'cause then I'll get some decent sound. Ooh, and I could use it to ignore everyone. Not a bad idea.

Nothing really cool about today. It almost rained. And I didn't have my umbrella. That could have been interesting. But at the same time, there were chics walking around without umbrellas also. That's interesting.

Alright, I'm bored. To bed I go.

Thursday, June 2


I'm really drained. Since I woke up at 3:30AM, I have had 20 minutes of sleep. I took a nap at around 4PM because Around The Horn and Pardon The Interruption weren't on. Since then, I've been awake with my eyes half-closed.

Class was alright. The prof wears socks with his sandals. It's funny. He already assigned homework from the text, but I don't have the book yet. So, I figure I'll do what I can tomorrow by going to the book store, memorizing the problem, and doing it before class.

Real stressed out. And that's probably why I can't sleep anymore. I spend 5 hours laying in bed and thinking. It really sucks. A while back, I wrote a post where I typed everything I thought. I would consider doing that again, except that I can't type that fast. Within 5 seconds, I think of a problem, I map out my choices and consequences, and move on to the next. Sometimes faster than 5 seconds.

On a lighter note, every time I see Courtney Cox in that preview for The Longest Yard, I can't help but notice her new cleavage. I don't remember that from Friends.

Alright, I'm about to pass out.


It's about 8AM. I've been up since around 3:30AM. This sucks.

I'm not going to take a nap though. I'm going to tough it out until late tonight. I have my first class at 11:30AM today. My 10AM class doesn't start until next Monday. So, I figure I'll relax and have a big breakfast. I need to shave too. I can also take my time when I'm fixing my hair. Oh, my hair is soft. If only you could feel how soft. But that only applies to chics. I don't want some guy touching my hair. That's just weird.

My left shoulder hurts. I think I slept on it wrong. That's odd considering I sleep on my right side. Oh well, I'll just stretch.

Alright, time to clean up. And drink some Sunny D. I love the California Style. It's smoother and sweeter.

Wednesday, June 1


Didn't fall asleep until 7AM. Woke up at 7:45AM and reset my alarm for 10AM. Then I woke up at 10AM and registered.

Registration sucked bad. I got the classes and times I wanted, but it took me an hour. Well, getting the classes took me 5 minutes, but doing all of the financial aid crap really sucked. So complicated. I hope I didn't screw anything up.

So right now, I am kind of tired. In fact, I think I'm going to lay down.


Yes, it's 4:23AM, and I'm posting.

I fell asleep at 12:30AM or so, but then I woke up at 3AM. And I feel refreshed, like I just took a nice, pleasant nap. Not good. So, for the past hour, I've been trying to sleep. The kind that lasts longer than an hour.

I'm not sure of what I want to do. I can stay up, try to make it through the classes, and then come home and crash. Or I can keep trying to sleep, wake up in 3 hours, and see what happens.

This sucks. I think I'm going to lay down. If I'm up for 3 hours, at least I'll be laying down.

{Added on around 5:41AM}

Yea, still awake. So, I've decided to just stay up, register at home, and start going to class tomorrow. I can still get 2 hours of sleep if I crash right now, but I'm not feeling it.

This sucks.