Sunday, February 6

Trip starts in an hour or so. Gonna suck.

Had to get clothes and such earlier today. I didn't know the first thign about what I was to wear, but luckily I had my mom and Erik there with me.

My bro went to pick up his wife at work, then they come back here to change and rest for a couple of minutes. My sis-in-law and my mother are going to ride in the backseat with The Kid. My bro is going to drive and it is my job to keep him awake and entertained. Won't be too hard. I haven't taken a nap, and I'll have to be up until at least 3AM. It's possible. But it'd be easier in front of my computer. Eh, oh well. I've got my music.

All of my professors and TAs have been real nice about assignments and tests. Rescheduling and turning them in later will definitely help.

So, about to turn off my computer until I come back on Thursday or Friday. I might post while I'm in El Paso, but I can't gaurantee it. Either way, here goes something...

1 comment:

rowdielou said...

Good luck! I've got my fingers crossed for you!