Friday, February 4

341 - Continuity

So, I'm in a lab. Not my spanish lab though. I'm in my CS lab. Not doing a damn thing.

Got my haircut. Just trimmed up the sides. Doesn't look too bad. Now I just have to wait and let it grow.

Gosh. Emmitt's press conference yesterday was tough to watch. I don't know why exactly, but I find it harder to watch any football player retire than a player from any other sport. If Kevin Willis retired tomorrow, it'd be a small section in the Atlanta papers. (Atlanta, right?) If Shaq retired tomorrow, I'd be able to watch it and laugh. But for an old man (in football years) to hang it up...that's just tough to watch.

Either way...I'm sort of blank right now. It's too early on a Friday.

{Added on around 12:15PM}

So I'm back in the CS lab. My CS prof has given me permission to do the first project solo. We were supposed to do this one in pairs, but considering that I might have to drop everything and leave at any minute, it wouldn't be fair to any partner of mine. So the compromise is that I do this one alone but I have to do a future one with a partner. That's fine with me. I work better alone, and this first one will be a good experience for me.

So far no word. So I'm going to check if there's a 12 - 1 lab for spanish. It'll fit into my schedule and keep me from being bored for an hour.

I'm not sure how long I should wait. I mean, should I wait a day, the weekend, or what? I figure I'll wait for the weekend, but no longer than that.

Either way, I'm bored right now. And I still have to wait almost 30 minutes.

{Added on around 2:58PM}

So I'm finally back home. Gonna eat and sleep, or something fun. I need to send a couple of emails out, but all will be taken care of.

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