Friday, February 25


Wow...really sore. I mean, I've felt worse, but this sucks. That's what I get for not stretching.

I accidentally hit my left wrist against a very heavy speaker. If you've been to my apartment, you know how big and heavy these floor speakers are. Either way, my left wrist is scraped up and bruised now. At least it's not my shooting hand.

How did today go...? Umm, Rolled out of bed unwillingly and made it to lab. Lab was fun. I accomplished a bunch of some little assignments. We have to talk about specific things in spanish with the TA, and we have to have 8 done next Friday. I did 5 today. Most people get about 2 done in one try. I dunno, my spanish is coming along pretty well. It should be.

Every Friday after lab during our walk, I always ask, "What's today? Friday? Then I need to go to that building..." She knows I have the same pathetic memory as a goldfish. So today when I started the question, she stopped me and said, "Your next class is over there." And she was right. That let me know that she does listen after all. Was kind of funny.

But what made it so funny is later that day I went to the wrong building for my 1 o' clock class. I have a discussion section at 1 in the Sanchez building on Tuesdays. I have a discussion section at 1 o' clock in Parlin Hall on Fridays. I walked into the Sanchez building today. I sat down for a second, and then it hit me. Wrong building. I laughed it off. Could have used someone to point me in the right direction.

Hmm...what else happened? Came home, ate some sherbert (haha...Lacey Sherbert), took a nap, went out to eat, came back home. Not much of a Friday. Oh well.

You know, now I'm kind of bored. I think I'll just go to bed now.

{Added on around 2:45AM}

Funniest show after 10pm. The Venture Brothers. If you haven't watched it, go watch it.

"Come on, they have one female servicing a large group of males. That implies a species that lays eggs.

-Oh my god, you're crazy! They're so obviously mammals!

-Please, she'd be in estrus 24-7 if she didn't lay eggs.

-Smurfs don't lay eggs! I won't tell you this again! Papa smurf has a f*cking beard! They're mammals!"

-The Monarch's Henchmen, numbers 21 and 24.


jamie said...

i hope u get unsore, and that ur wrist heals :)

FBombAndy said...

The soreness is almost gone. My wrist would heal if I didn't keep hitting it against things like washers, dryers, sinks, counter. It's like my left wrist has been cursed or something.