Friday, February 11

348 - Short

The Kings can kiss my ass. They had the last shot of the game. They could have sent it to overtime. They could have won the game. So it's not like that uncalled goaltending sent them to a loss. Bibby had a clean shot. I thought it was going to go in. Too bad.

So yea, went shopping. Sort of. I didn't buy anything except medicine and orange juice. I feel weak, but if someone called me up to go play ball, I'd go. I'm giving myself 36 hours before I get better.

So, in elementary school they teach you to cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze. Is it a difficult concept or something? There are two people in this apartment that just don't get it.

So now the hotmail servers are acting right again. I don't know what was up, but it really pissed me off.

Weird. What a weird feeling I just had.

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