Monday, February 14

351 - Worst

Worst Valentine's Day ever!

I woke up this morning. That sucked. I went through the motions of going to school, but I bailed out before I got to the door. So I scheduled an appointment at the University Health Center. Left for thereat 2. They tell me I have acute bronchitis or something. Then I killed an hour before I had to take my makeup test. That went decent from what I can tell. I feel good about it. Didn't get home until 8:15 or so. So, let's recap...

Missed classes today. Spent the afternoon with a doctor and a makeup test.

Yea, I think that qualifies as the worst Valentine's Day ever.

But then again...

I got a very nice e-card from Jamie. And J said Happy Valentine's Day and told me to get better. I got a "Happy <3 Day" text from 'her' (which surprised the hell out of me when I got it. You see, I have specific ringtones for groups of people. Her's is Radiohead's How I Made My Millions, which is a beautiful song. So I was laying down this morning, heard it, and kind of just thought to my self, "Huh?") So there are great women out there.

So this wasn't the worst. Those nice gestures definitely outweigh the bad.

Thank you all.

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