Thursday, February 17

354 - News

So, J-Lo is bailing out on a tour, Intel is messing with silicon (not silicone,) and Microsoft's AntiSpyware stuff is decent to say the most. All is right in the world today.

Like I just told Brandon very very recently, I'm starting to lose interest in her. And this was going to happen, I just couldn't predict when. Yea, she sent me a text. But I just get this feeling...a very bad vibe. The type of vibe that makes me consider ignoring someone. I could be way off, but I don't want to fall for her again either. I'm taking my chips from the table, I'm folding my hand, and I'm walking away. Gonna cut my losses now. Friends is fine, nothing more.

Oh, I've just now started playing Hold 'Em on Yahoo. By the which, my yahoo SN is FBombAndy. Easy, right? Totally obvious? I should just copyright my name (or is it trademark? I forget.) I mean, I have FBombAndy for Hotmail, Yahoo, AIM, GMail, domain name, you name it.

Ryan did call. The team has a bye week. So I can rest and heal up, maybe get my shot back, and next Thursday I can do some damage.

Either way, that's all I've wanted to say for right now. I have about 9 hours left in the day before I go to sleep. So there's bound to be more interesting stuff later. Mavs game on tonight. I'm up for that.

{Added on around 3:44PM}

I just got a call from the Music Dept. I finally got a locker. No more dragging around my instrument on the bus and around campus. Sweet.

Also, I ate some pineapple sherbert. I was walking home from the bus stop and decided to stop by the local Racetrac. I passed the frozen section and looked inside. I saw sherbert. Which made me think of Lacey Sherbert, I mean, Chabert. And so, one thing led to another...

Things are looking up.


rowdielou said...

I am the same with rowdielou...I have it *everywhere*. ;) That's a good idea...becoming a trademark. Hmm...
Probably a good idea to go the way you are going with her. I did the same thing with David, and now we're really good friends and it just makes a life a whole lot easier. Less games, less questioning, y'know how it is.

FBombAndy said...

I had a couple of other names before this one, but those just didn't stick. This one is sticking. Unless I think of something totally original and thought-provoking, I'm not going to change it.