Wednesday, February 23


{Added on around 11:18PM}

I figure that I shouldn't lead with NBA stuff.

So yea, today went alright. I love the music building. When someone isn't playing their instrument, it is dead silent. And that's when I really solve what I need to.

I'm really hyped up about this game tomorrow night. I'm trying to figure out what game I should play. I mean, I want to complement the team, so if all they need is a shooter, then that's what I'll do. But if they need someone to penetrate and kick it out, then I'll do that. I can post up people around my size, and I'm quick enough to get around people.

Oh my gosh...I hate AIM so damn much. Sometimes I swear it's just trying to piss me off. Mission accomplished.

West Wing was awesome today. Alias got taped. I'm waiting to watch that. By the which, I just saw Resident Evil Apocalypse last night. I realized that A Perfect Circle has been on three different soundtracks in the past 2 years or so. Underworld, RE: Apocalypse, and Constantine. I loved the way they used it in Constantine.

So either way, I'm going to get some sleep. I figure I'll come back to the apartment around 1:30, take a good hour nap, eat something around 4, go back up to campus and warm up. The game is at 6:30. I've just been told that the team already has a bunch of "ball-hogging 3pt shooters" so I'll have to bring something else to the table. Looks like 'penetrate and kick.' Oh, I need to get some b-ball shorts. Crap.

{Original post}

Kings are trading Webber, Matt Barnes, and Michael Bradley to the 76ers for Corliss Williamson, Kenny Thomas, and Brian Skinner.

Also, the Warriors are trying to get Baron Davis, and they are offering Dale Davis and others.

I love it.

1 comment: said...

SHORTS?!?!?!?! Holy crap! Can you take a pic? LOL. JK.

Webber in Philly? Sac must have something else planned - that was just too stupid a move. They must be ancipating moving Peja for a bunch of guys. Maybe to LA for Butler and/or George and Medvedenko and/or Cook??? I could see this trade: Bulter, George, and Cook for Peja.

Peja just isn't the shit anymore. Finley is though ;). Dallas needs to move some centers and Terry for a better ball-handler and a starting 4. My line-up would be something like Harris (yes over even a healthy Daniels), Finley, Dirk, a guy like Boozer, and Damp. Then your bench is Daniels, Stack, Howard, and whatever big guys you have left (Henderson, Booth, Mr. Congo, I don't care). I should be the GM.

Boozer would produce in Dallas just like he did in Cleveland. He needs other scorers around him to make his game better.