Wednesday, March 30


Well, today was alright. Two classes, then a two hour break, then lessons. Only thing is that I didn't find out my lessons were cancelled for today until 20 minutes after the scheduled time. So, I could have come home at 1PM, but instead I didn't come home until 3PM. I'm not mad at her. She's swamped with work. And I'm very understanding of that. I'm very understanding.

Did I mention that I got the new Queens of the Stone Age CD? Picked it up Sunday at Best Buy. I've listened to most of it, and I'm really into it.

I've decided to open up the questions game again. You have questions, I have answers. Some of my readers know me better now than when I did it the first time in January...or December. I'm too lazy to look it up. But either way, however many questions, no matter what, and I'll answer them honestly, or as best as I can. The only rule is that if you comment anonymously, you have to leave your first name. At least that. Or a good hint of who you are. You can send these questions to me by email, or just put it in a comment. Doesn't matter. If you send them in by email, I won't use your name if you say not too. I respect people's privacy.

So, I'm done at 12:30 tomorrow. Which means I'll be home by 1:30. Which means I'll be able to play some ball tomorrow afternoon. Awesome! I really want to play. Last time I played I think was Saturday. I played OK, but I was pretty sore going into it. Now I feel great. No pulled shoulders, no middle knuckle problems, so I think I'm ready.

By the way, I was studying my phone today. I think I have 500 anytime minutes and probably 1200 or so night and weekend minutes. I've used 109 anytime and 142 nights and weekends. And with rollover, I have way way way too many minutes. I also get 200 text messages for the month, and I think I've used only 20. So, depending on who you are, I might be willing to give you my cell number. I'm not going to post it on the blog, because come on, who knows who stumbles through here. So, email me, whatever, and chances are I'll give you my number. Besides, I get bored in class, and only a few people actually text me back. Meh.

Alright, so to sum up. Queens of the Stone Age rocks, send questions, and if you want my cell, lemme know. And now I'm off to bed. Well, I'm actually going to watch some Venture Brothers, and then I'll go to bed.

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