Sunday, March 6


Spent 9 hours of today writing code for some stupid little program. But I finished it. Over 650 lines of code. That sucks!

Right bicep is healing fine. Left knee is healing fine.

One more week left. Then it's Spring Break. 6 more days left, then I go to CT's wedding. Going alone. I figure I'll like it more that way. And Brandon has been telling me that there's going to be plenty of single women there, so hoo-ray.

Not sure what I'm doing for Spring Break yet. Figure I'll go home for a few days, come back for SXSW, and then take the last two days to just sleep.

Honestly, I'm hitting that point in the year where I go on auto-pilot. I haven't thought about anything this weekend at all. And I seriously mean that I haven't been thinking lately. It's like a blank canvas.

Yea, I'm not feeling it right now. A big bag of nothing. I'm gonna sleep.

1 comment:

jamie said...

hey :)
i totally know what u mean about the whole 'autopilot' thing...i feel myself becoming somewhat numb to the world. i definantly need spring break...bad.

here's hopin this last week goes fast! :) have fun at the wedding!