Wednesday, March 9


Played some more NCAA 2005 with my bro and Erik. Also shot the ball around with my bro this afternoon. Things are coming along pretty well. I've developed a jump stop floater. Pretty consistent.

Lessons went well. I finally got my solo. I'm going to work on it as much as possible.

I only have three classes left. Two tomorrow and then one on Friday. I want to skip Friday's, but that's my Spanish lab. And I've fallen really far behind in there. I've been goofing around too much with my partner-in-crime. Absolutely nothing gets done.

West Wing was really good tonight. Really good.

You know, I own almost everything that is "FBombAndy." Should I change the blog address to I have it, but it's my old blog. Should I switch things? Something to think about for now.

I hate Tim Duncan. Really. Hate.

I've always been happy about my luck. I usually pull through with the smallest of odds. But I've really hit a cold streak. I'm waiting for it to change.

And for those out there that...well...put me in my current mood...this mood that I can't really break out of...

Tool - Ticks & Leeches

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