Monday, March 21


Rained when I left for class. Wasn't raining when I got back. Nice. Real nice.

So, Brandon showed me this act or whatever about people who buy alcohol on their 21st birthday. It's trying to prevent people from trying to buy alcohol at 12:01AM that day. Instead, the person turning 21 would have to wait until 7AM on any day other than Sunday, and 12PM on Sunday. Well, the punishment doesn't fall on the 21 year old, but it lands on the seller instead. It would be a Class A misdemeanor.

I'm interested in this a little bit because I have two friends who are turning 21 this month.

Frankly, I think it's retarded. Next thing you know, they will have your time of birth on your driver's license and you can't buy alcohol before that time on your 21st. Then they'll want you to wait until after that day has passed. If the progression remains constant, then eventually you will have to wait until you're 22. There are more important things to worry about. Who cares if someone buys a drink at the first opportunity they can, which is 12:01AM of their birthday? Will 7 hours make a difference? Or 12 hours on Sundays?

Got 5 looks today, maybe 6. One of those instances gave me an idea of what to talk about today.

She looked good. I'd give her a 7. (Oh, if you don't know, my 1 to 10 scale is rough and critical.) But she was checking me out, and I was thinking that she could be fun. But as I thought that, she pulled a cigarette out.

Not into that. Not to say that I'll turn away all smokers, but it would take something special for me to not say no.

I don't have anything against smokers. If you want to, by all means. I'm not going to start a petition to have smoking banned everywhere. Probably won't sign one either.

Either way, time for a nap, or something.

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