Thursday, March 31



This is what happens when I get bored. I start to think. Then I begin thinking about the past. Then it becomes almost too realistic.

The similarities are remarkable. They are more than coincidental. I think I'm getting a second chance.

Well, I have all night to think about it. I just might not sleep at all. It's so haunting.



Today was alright.

Went to Spanish like always. Was kind of fun. Then I went to the wrong building for my 11AM class. I opened the door, looked inside, and said, "What? Today's Thursday." So I walked out, went to the right buidling, and admired some views along the way.

And that class was boring as hell. So, I downloaded some Texas Hold 'Em game to my phone. Played that for most of the hour. Caught the bus back home. When I got there, Erik called me and checked to see if I wanted to have lunch. So yea, I had lunch at Chili's. Came back home, chilled and watched Around the Horn and PTI. Went to Best Buy to check out some stuff. About that time is when the weather went crazy.

At 5PM, it was 85 degrees outside. At 5:30PM, it was raining pretty hard. At 6:30PM, it was about 70 degrees. Real fun. But I'm hoping it gets nice and cool tomorrow morning.

Two classes tomorrow, discussion section, and then I'm home for the weekend. Gotta do some program. That kind of sucks. But oh well, I'll get it done.

So very bored.

Wednesday, March 30


Well, today was alright. Two classes, then a two hour break, then lessons. Only thing is that I didn't find out my lessons were cancelled for today until 20 minutes after the scheduled time. So, I could have come home at 1PM, but instead I didn't come home until 3PM. I'm not mad at her. She's swamped with work. And I'm very understanding of that. I'm very understanding.

Did I mention that I got the new Queens of the Stone Age CD? Picked it up Sunday at Best Buy. I've listened to most of it, and I'm really into it.

I've decided to open up the questions game again. You have questions, I have answers. Some of my readers know me better now than when I did it the first time in January...or December. I'm too lazy to look it up. But either way, however many questions, no matter what, and I'll answer them honestly, or as best as I can. The only rule is that if you comment anonymously, you have to leave your first name. At least that. Or a good hint of who you are. You can send these questions to me by email, or just put it in a comment. Doesn't matter. If you send them in by email, I won't use your name if you say not too. I respect people's privacy.

So, I'm done at 12:30 tomorrow. Which means I'll be home by 1:30. Which means I'll be able to play some ball tomorrow afternoon. Awesome! I really want to play. Last time I played I think was Saturday. I played OK, but I was pretty sore going into it. Now I feel great. No pulled shoulders, no middle knuckle problems, so I think I'm ready.

By the way, I was studying my phone today. I think I have 500 anytime minutes and probably 1200 or so night and weekend minutes. I've used 109 anytime and 142 nights and weekends. And with rollover, I have way way way too many minutes. I also get 200 text messages for the month, and I think I've used only 20. So, depending on who you are, I might be willing to give you my cell number. I'm not going to post it on the blog, because come on, who knows who stumbles through here. So, email me, whatever, and chances are I'll give you my number. Besides, I get bored in class, and only a few people actually text me back. Meh.

Alright, so to sum up. Queens of the Stone Age rocks, send questions, and if you want my cell, lemme know. And now I'm off to bed. Well, I'm actually going to watch some Venture Brothers, and then I'll go to bed.

Tuesday, March 29


Congrats, Brandon.

You're 21. Lucky.


Alright, I've figured out some stuff, and while I'm still stressed out as much as I was, I don't think it would be fair of me to tone things down.

I like being single. I'm starting to love it. Considering that I live with my bro and his wife, I pretty much get a good idea of what it takes. I'm not willing to put that out there.

I don't have motivation. Yea, apparently I'm good on paper, but my door isn't being busted down either. So I figure that I should be selfish by not opening up to anyone. I have good friends, and right now, that's all I need.

Yea, being with someone might make me happier, but I'm happy enough right now. I have things going for me. I'm doing well in my classes, I have my Harmon Kardon back in working condition, and I rarely have homework. That means that I can come home and do absolutely nothing. I don't have to come home and be someone's shoulder. I don't have to come home and listen to anyone. I don't have to cheer anyone up. I don't have to do a thing.

If I loved someone, I would do everything above without hesitation because that's what I think it means to love someone. But I don't love anyone right now. And I don't think I've found a person who I'm ready to give my full effort for.

I wouldn't mind being on the phone for hours. I wouldn't mind writing crappy love poems for someone. I wouldn't mind buying flowers and such for someone. It's just that I don't know anyone that is worthy of that. I don't mean to sound cocky or arrogant. I just feel that because I'm willing to sacrifice myself for someone, I better make it worthwhile.

Maybe sacrifice isn't the word. It's not like I need to get a knife or something. I guess I mean 'to sacrifice my free time and more.' I'll go out of my way to make people comfortable. I'll do the little things and I'll do the bigger things. That's what I mean.

Guess I'll remain a hidden secret.


Didn't go to class today because the electricity was weird, which meant no light to take a shower with. Fixed now.

Also fixed my vintage Harmon Kardon receiver.

Monday, March 28


OK, so vacation isn't the word.

I'm just going to limit things to a sentence or two.

So, here's today's entry.

I'm trying to go through the motions. Trying.

Sunday, March 27


Going on vacation for a while.

I know. Last time I said that, the vacation lasted all of 3 or so days.

Don't know what will happen this time.


“Wait for the guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who stays awake just to watch you sleep. Wait for the guy who pursues you, who kisses your forehead, who does random things to make sure you know how much he cares, who wants to show you off when you are in sweats, who thinks you are the prettiest when you have no makeup on, who holds your hand always…because he wants to. Wait for the guy who would do anything to spend time with you, who always asks you how you are doing and who truly thinks he is 'lucky.' The one who looks at his friends and says, 'that’s her.'”

I saw this on someone's LiveJournal. I figure it could do some good here.

{Editor's Note: For those of you who saw the original '406' post, best to forget that one. I must have misheard something or other. No harm done.}

Thursday, March 24


I have a test in 3 hours and 16 minutes. I need to make a quick cheat sheet. We're allowed one piece of paper with anything on it.

I'm feeling kind of...blah. Oh well. At least I get a Mavs - Kings game when I get home. I might stay up late tonight. Ooh, and Spanish Lab tomorrow morning.

By the way, if you call my cell from a number I don't recognize, I'm not going to answer. I only pick up for people on my phone list. So don't get mad if I don't pick up the first time you call. Today I've received two wrong calls. I didn't answer the first because I was in class, and the second person asked for 'Loretta' with a thick country accent. Sorry, my name's not Loretta, nor do I know anyone named 'Loretta.'

Alright, I'm done.

{Added on around 9:39PM}

First, let me say that I probably demolished that test.

Secondly, I've got the fire in my eyes again.

Wednesday, March 23


So, a while back I mentioned something about an anniversary. That's today, the 24th.

One year ago, I started this blog.

My original blog didn't last a year. It fizzled out and I needed to start over. And here I am.

Also, Happy Day for Erik. He's 30. The big three-oh.

Either way, I need to get some sleep.


Today has been rather weird.

Weird dream. That's a negative. Listened to my music on the bus on my way to campus. That's a positive. Didn't feel too well once I got on campus. That's a negative. Paid for one bottle of water at the vending machine and got three in return. That's a positive. Was a partner to a chic who somewhat looks like one of my exes. That's a negative. See a pattern?

I can't remember if the last thing that happened to me was good or bad, so I don't know what to expect.

The vending machine thing was funny though. They charge $1.25 for a bottle of water. I put that in. I hit the button. One popped out. I grabbed it, but the machine kept making noises. I stood there, and sure enough another bottle popped out. But it didn't stop. It shot out another. Then it finally stopped. I grabbed all three, headed into my spanish classroom and started asking people if they wanted one.

Either way, time for PTI.

{Added on around 5:57PM}

Wow, they gave some love to the Mavericks. Wilbon said that the Spurs will not make it to the NBA Finals which will mean we will see the Dallas Mavericks in the Finals. Makes me happy.

I finally saw a commercial for the Sony PSP. I planned on getting one, but things came up, and I just can't be spending money on something like that right now. Plus I'm supposed to be saving up for when I turn 21. Well, Tina wanted to go to Vegas also, but she doesn't turn 21 until 6 months after I do. I told her that if she went on her B-day, I'd go with her. But I still need to be saving up for August.

I have a test tomorrow night. Isnt that awesome?!



I woke up about 30 minutes before my alarm went off.

One of my exes was in my dream last night. I can't figure out why. Usually you think of someone right before you go to sleep, and they're there. But I haven't thought about her in a long time.

I don't know. I thought it was weird.

And now I'm off to school.

Tuesday, March 22


Happy day for Sam. He's 21.

Today went well. I wore the same colors as this one chic in my spanish class. (OK, jeans and a brown shirt is quite common or something, 'cause I saw around 10 people wearing those.) I thought it was funny. But she's a bit too short for me. She's probably only 5'1" or so. Cute, but short.

I forgot to mention this a while back. I had a conversation with Brandon a couple of days ago. I guess it was Saturday. But I told him that if Duncan got hurt, the Spurs would be nothing. Afterwards I rambled on about how I'd like to see it happen. Sure enough the next day, Duncan sprained his ankle. I've heard he'll be out anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks.

So I've decided to not wish harm on people for a while. Except for Tony Parker.

Either way, it's almost 4PM and that means it's "Around The Horn" time. Guess I'll write more later.

{Added on around 9:35PM}

If Brandon gives me the thumbs up, I'll post the pic tonight. Otherwise it'll wait a bit longer.

{Added on around 10:45PM}

Brandon said "no way." So blame him.

{Added on around 11:01PM}

I'm bored. I'm sitting here at my computer, and I'm bored. I have a test on Thursday that I should be studying for. I have lessons tomorrow afternoon. But right now, I've got nothing.

Guess I'll go catch up on comic strips or something.

{Added on around 11:42PM}

Brandon gave me the thumbs up on another picture though. Now, it was taken with my camera phone, so it's going on the photo blog. Keep in mind that this is from a phone, so it won't have great quality, and thus I will not look my best. But I guess it'll do for now.

I'm not bored anymore. Brandon reintroduced me to a neat little tool.

Monday, March 21


Hmm...I should fold my clothes. I'll keep adding as it hits me.

Because I'm really proud of what I did, I'm going to talk about that program I wrote yesterday. The prof gave us a one-day extension. So I decided to tweak mine and make it faster. If we write one of the two fastest programs in the class, we get extra credit. So, my starting time was 1.623 second. I messed around with it, and I cut the time down to about 0.870 seconds. Made me happy, but I wanted to see if I could do more. So I messed around and cut the time down to 0.270 seconds. So far I think the fastest time is 0.113 seconds. I don't know if I can top that. But I'm happy I cut my time down so much.

Still have a little more to fold.

Done folding.

I have 2 exposures left on my roll of film. Yea, I could've use a digital camera, but I didn't want to take it to the wedding, so I just went old-fashioned. I think it's weird to take pictures of yourself. And it would be just as weird to ask someone else to take a picture of you. And I hate being in pictures. So, I think I'm just going to do it and get it done. Then tomorrow I can drop it off at Walgreen's. Then I'll have them by tomorrow night, and I can post the good ones on my picture blog.

Either way, it's getting late, and I should go to bed. I didn't get much sleep last night, so I should try and make up for it now.

I sent out two text messages today, and not one reply. Meh. I guess I can understand one person's lack of response. Oh well.

{Added on around 12:00AM}

So, I have a picture of myself ready to upload. But you'll have to wait just a little bit longer. I want to ask my friends, the ones who have seen me in person, if this is a good picture or not. If it isn't, then we'll just have to wait until I get one that's good.

Oh, but I did upload 3 new pictures.


Rained when I left for class. Wasn't raining when I got back. Nice. Real nice.

So, Brandon showed me this act or whatever about people who buy alcohol on their 21st birthday. It's trying to prevent people from trying to buy alcohol at 12:01AM that day. Instead, the person turning 21 would have to wait until 7AM on any day other than Sunday, and 12PM on Sunday. Well, the punishment doesn't fall on the 21 year old, but it lands on the seller instead. It would be a Class A misdemeanor.

I'm interested in this a little bit because I have two friends who are turning 21 this month.

Frankly, I think it's retarded. Next thing you know, they will have your time of birth on your driver's license and you can't buy alcohol before that time on your 21st. Then they'll want you to wait until after that day has passed. If the progression remains constant, then eventually you will have to wait until you're 22. There are more important things to worry about. Who cares if someone buys a drink at the first opportunity they can, which is 12:01AM of their birthday? Will 7 hours make a difference? Or 12 hours on Sundays?

Got 5 looks today, maybe 6. One of those instances gave me an idea of what to talk about today.

She looked good. I'd give her a 7. (Oh, if you don't know, my 1 to 10 scale is rough and critical.) But she was checking me out, and I was thinking that she could be fun. But as I thought that, she pulled a cigarette out.

Not into that. Not to say that I'll turn away all smokers, but it would take something special for me to not say no.

I don't have anything against smokers. If you want to, by all means. I'm not going to start a petition to have smoking banned everywhere. Probably won't sign one either.

Either way, time for a nap, or something.

Sunday, March 20


Firstly, I'm in a good mood. Well, at least I was.

Earlier I went and shot the ball around with my bro. Well, I played crappy, but that's because I messed up my middle knuckle again on my right (shooting) hand. If you don't know, it's the same knuckle that I hurt about a year and some months ago. Hasn't been the same since.

Then, this guy shows up and we decide to play some 25 with him. He was about 6'2, and fast as hell. Had a clean outside shot. He could drive. He tore us apart. I scored on him a couple of times, on layups, reverses, and some outside shots. But wow, he was good.

But, the reason I'm a little mad is because I just found out that I have a program to write, and it's due by midnight. Less than 4 hours for me to work on it. So, I'm going to find someone's wrong code, fix it, and use it. Hopefully I'll be done in 10 minutes. Otherwise, this sucks.

Either way, here I go.

{Added on around 9:04PM}

Yes, I'm back in one hour. Apparently it wasn't as difficult as I had expected. I feel great now.

And, if you're curious, which you probably shouldn't be, here's a link to the problem I solved.

Yes, I deal with computers and software and such, but I am not in any way similar to that stereotype. Trust me. I don't have a pocket protector, I don't spend all day in front of my computer, and I don't like sci-fi.

Back in a happy mood. Well, my happy mood.


I was about 2 minutes away from going to sleep when I decided to write something on here.

There's no one in my room right now. It's only me. And I don't feel alone for some reason. Not like there's a ghost or something. But I heard music that took me back to my worry-free days. It took me back to when I felt like I owned everything and everyone.

When I lay in my bed and close my eyes, I don't feel alone. And that's the main point.

The only way I can describe it is that it's like when you are about to say something and one of your friends says the exact words right before you start. Like there's a connection. It's also like when you hang out with someone for so long, you don't really miss them when they're gone, because you know you'll see them again tomorrow.

And maybe I'm still not describing this well enough.

Friday, March 18


Alright, so I'm back in Austin.

I'll probably have the pictures developed today (Saturday). Going to get prints and a CD or whatever it is Walgreen's does. They better come out good.

Went to bed at 1 or so last night, and my mom woke me up at 6:45 or so. I'm kind of drained. I also played basketball Thursday for 3 hours. When I got home, pizza was waiting for me. Ate 6 slices, 2 breadsticks, and 2 cinnastix. That's about twice as much as I normally eat. But after a good game, I eat like a starving madman.

I started taking my Nexium earlier today. So far so good. No weird side effects. And I feel tons better already. OK, not tons better. But better nonetheless.

KFC's Honey BBQ Snackers are awesome!

I feel a little bad because I didn't really visit anyone while I was in town. I hope they understand that I like to stay indoors when I'm back home. I like to keep my visits low-profile.

So yea, I'm pretty tired. I'm going to sleep the night away.

{Added on around 11:08AM}

One year anniversary coming up for me. Wow. I totally forgot.

Thursday, March 17


Alright, I just read a blog, and I don't want to use names. Let's just say that this person will know.

And yea, I don't know whether to be sorry or not either. I think I should, but, I don't know. I give up.

My hair cut and coloring costs around $50. How much would I spend on a date though? Hmm...if it were a first date, and I really knew her, I can definitely imagine somewhere around $75. Although, the second date would be more...'economic.' I'm not much into the movie scene (which I'll give reasons for), so I would definitely pick a special restaurant. I'll put a name on here when I get back to Austin, because I know where it is, I've just forgotten the name. Then to a place like Marble Slab for dessert. Twice as nice. Then to Flipnotics for an Earthquake shake. So yea, that would come out to around $65 - $75.

Cologne is like alcohol. A little can be a nice thing, but too much can make you vomit and forget what happened the night before. I have a small bottle of Banana Republic's Classic, which is awesome. I only wear it when I know I need to impress. Do not spray directly onto clothes! Very important.

I hope I don't offend anyone out there, but if you're a guy and you go to a tanning salon, you should really question your sexuality. Really now.

The main reason why I hate going to theaters for a first date is the obvious. What interaction is there really with your date? I think it's the high (middle) school way of getting together with someone of the opposite sex in a dimly-lit environment. I really believe that first dates should be about going somewhere to have a good conversation. When you're at a restaurant, you have to talk while you're waiting for the food, drinks, or whatever. If you're in a theater, you're watching the movie and silence is golden. Wow, that's getting to know someone!

Another big issue is what to wear. That depends on where you're going though. If you're going to your local theater, jeans and a shirt are more than enough. If you're going to a restaurant, jeans and a shirt are fine enough, unless it's one of those rich people restaurants. In fact, everything should be jeans and a shirt. I mean, unless it's a party where costumes or black ties are involved, don't dress up. Save it for the second or third date.

Leather is OK if it's a jacket. No leather pants. A leather trenchcoat is overdoing it.

Unless you're a star wide receiver AND you're currently playing a game, do not wear gloves. Once again, that's overdoing it. Although, if you have a Ferrari or Lamborghini or whatever, a leather glove on you're right hand (for the stick) is fine...if you're 40 or older.

What's another generic first date for me to disassemble?

(Damn you Blogger! You know what you did.)

{Editor's Note: FBombAndy forgot to mention, go check out Yeah Yeah Yeahs' Modern Romance. He probably already did a long time ago, but he says to do it anyway.}

394 (?)

So, it's Wednesday. No wait, it's Thursday. I've lost track of time again. This kinda sucks.

Either way, I'll be back home tomorrow morning. Going to leave here around 6AM. Nice. That means that even if I go to sleep now, I'll still get less than 8 hours of sleep. Oh well, I'll live.

Things were kinda boring here. I got about 3 hours of basketball in, but whatever muscle I pulled on Sunday got pulled again today. I should take some time off. Had my physical yesterday. Also had my hair colored.

Good news. My hair has a very nice blonde to it. I should stick out just a little bit. I hope she likes it. I mean, I like it, and that's what counts. But it will be icing on the cake if she does like it.

Bad news. I am now starting a trial of Nexium. For the next 30 days. When I got the prescription filled and I went to pay, they said it was $50. I stood there for a second and said, "What?!" I also asked how much my insurance covered. They had taken care of $100. I mean, wow. That boils down to $5 a pill. That is the most I have ever paid for any medicine. And wow, I'm in shock. I'm too young. These things should only happen to people older than me. My dad takes around 5 pills a day. Here I am, before I'm 21, and I'm already starting. Sucks

Saw Pat today. Was nice. He's a cool guy. He pretty much babysat me when I was younger and I took a ton of my morals from his.

Overall, it's been relaxing. Boring, but relaxing.

And now I'm off to check my email and save the world. I'll probably get 50% done.

Monday, March 14


So, I don't listen to the radio much in Austin. Therefore, I don't really catch the new hot bands that are out there. Today I watched plenty of MTV2 and I found some bands that I'm starting to like.

The Mars Volta
The Killers
The Bravery

Some good songs, but I want to see how good their respective CDs are. I also heard a local Austin band called The Pretty Please. They sounded good, and I want to hear more from them.

So, the wedding has me thinking. Weddings have a weird effect on me. I usually end up thinking about the person I want to be with the most, calling them and telling them that. So I wrote about 5 drafts of a text message before I bailed out on the idea.

"I'm not going to be vague about this. No matter if it was obvious before, I'm making it known now. You always have my full attention when you want it. You can always talk to me if you need to or just feel like talking. If we are friends from here on out, I will be more than satisfied. But, I want a more personal relationship with you. I want you."

You know, want is a funny word. Looks like it isn't spelled right or something.

But yea, not going through with it. Maybe in May. That will be better. Or I can wait until August, when I turn 21. Because honestly, when I turn 21, all bets are off.

I don't feel weird about being single anymore. I don't want to seem cocky or anything, but I feel that when I don't want to be single, I can fix that. My standards are incredibly high, and that can change. I can lower them to just 'high.' Or 'moderately high.' I'm not desperate yet, so I'm fine.

Either way, I'm going to sleep. Sometime within the next 3 hours. And I don't plan on waking up until 11. My mom comes home for lunch around 12, so I like to be awake and coherent.

392 (?)

OK, so I'm back home. Will be here until Friday or Saturday. Probably Friday.

Let's see...what's today? Monday? Nothing planned for tonight. Nothing planned for tomorrow either. Wednesday I have my annual doctor's appointment, and then a haircut in the afternoon. I think I'm going to get some blonde put in, what with summer coming and stuff. I might do red again though. I'm not sure yet.

Before school starts again, I will have a picture of me up here somewhere. My parents are still on dialup, and it would take a long ass time for me to upload anything. I'm going to scan some old pictures of me and put them on my computer whenever I get back. I love cable internet.

You know, if I had to choose between spanking Paris Hilton or Eliza Dushku, without any hestitation I would choose Dushku. She's hot. And I really don't think Paris has anything that's hot. Really. Why did I mention this? I think it was asked in my latest issue of Stuff. Great magazine.

In other news, played some basketball with my dad and bro before we left. My bro left the court in an angry fashion. I think it's because he realizes that he's not the best player out there anymore. He has the understanding of the game, but his physique limits him. I am more athletic than he is, and I can do things he can't. My shots are more consistent, and I've developed new moves when I'm down low. I had an extremely sick block on him late in the fourth game. Made him mad. Funny. But hey, I'm two inches taller than him, and my arms are way longer than his. It was going to happen.

But unfortunately, I injured myself again. And this is why I can't play on any level higher than pickup games. I was on the right wing and I was backing down my bro. He gave me a bit of room, so I turned around and shot it. But when I turned my upper body, my lower body didn't move as fast. So I pulled a muscle somewhere around my bellybutton (one word? two words?) Really sucks. It doesn't hurt much today. So eh, must have been real minor. It hurt like something fierce when it happened though.

Either way, it's early, and I need to take care of some stuff. I'm out for now.

Saturday, March 12


The wedding was great. The speeches were great. I mean, everyone handled their role like it was rehearsed for 4 months. It wasn't. But wow, great wedding.

I wish CT and Alyssa the best.

By the way, I will have pictures up soon, maybe tomorrow, of people at the wedding. And that includes yours truly. Also on the list are CT, Alyssa, Brandon, Luis, Sam, Sam's girlfriend Millie, Chris, and whomever else was in the way. I have 13 pictures left to take, so I figure some randomness is in order. Wow, that's quite a phrase. "Randomness is in order." Nice.

Either way, I'm really really really tired. I'll post more whenever I wake up.

Friday, March 11


And now I have plenty to say.

Let me get the small stuff out of the way. This new SAT test is something else. I am friends with people 8 or so years older than me and they would tell me how the SAT was harder back in their day. Now I'm the old person telling young whippersnappers that they should be happy. It really makes me feel old.

So what if they add a writing section. Quit your crying.

Technically it's Saturday. The wedding is today. But before I leave for that, Brandon is supposed to be coming over to play some basketball. I need to remember to wake up early enough and to stretch. I'm a little nervous about this wedding. I'm still hoping to get some shoes beforehand. Hoping.

My partner-in-crime seemed a little off in lab yesterday. I don't know. She just didn't seem as happy as she normally is. Or at least as optimistic. But I also feel that if something was wrong, she would tell me. I think she has a ton of trust in me. She knows that she can tell me anything, and that I will listen to every word.

But yesterday was nice. There was some major traffic, so I got to campus a little later than usual. While I was on the bus, she called me. I was totally freaked out by this, because she doesn't call me at all. We have great conversations in person, and I'm not much of a phone person anyway. But it was nice. Real nice.

I can be everything you want.

Still don't know if I'm going to go home or not. It would be nice, and I could get my hair colored. At the same time, my parents would be working and I'm not one to make plans with old friends. It would be kind of boring. So I don't know yet.

Either way, I need to get some sleep.

Here's to having good dreams.

Thursday, March 10


I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know what to say anymore.

I was sitting on the bus earlier today. Did I mention that I was really pissed off this morning? The bus I take, known around town as the 'one-oh-one,' sped past the bus stop that I waited at. I stood there, arm out, clearly signalling that I wanted on. And the bus kept going. So I arrived on campus about 12 minutes later than usual. That throws my entire schedule off, and that's something you don't do to someone who really needs order in their life to stay sane.

But either way, back to what I was thinking. I was on the bus, and I was listening to my iPod. The song Wish You Were Here played. The Sparklehorse with Thom Yorke cover, originally by Pink Floyd. And it hit me. This is the song that makes me think of all of my past loves, my current loves, and my future loves. (Well, really just the ones I'd still like to see.)

And then I thought about which songs I relate to which people. For instance, for my second ex, I think of Deftones' Pink Maggit. A Perfect Circle's 3 Libras for my first ex.

Songs I would consider for future loves:

Audioslave - Like A Stone
Mazzy Star - Fade Into You
Radiohead - How I Made My Millions
Radiohead - True Love Waits
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Maps

And yea, that's all I can think of. Of course, this is all based on my prediction that I'm not going to have more than 5 future loves. Ha!

Well, I guess it's also based on me not finding anymore songs to fit. Meh.

So, if you're curious enough to scout out these lyrics, please begin by clicking the link I put for Wish You Were Here. Beautiful song. Really.

One class. That's all. It's all that's left. Then I do nothing for a week.

Wow, that wedding has really sneaked up on me. I didn't realize that it's already Thursday. I lose track of time so easily.


Wow, pretty accurate.

Your Love Number is


When you fall in love, you experience it to the fullest.
You are a cheerful, joyful soul - and you attract people easily.
While you fall for people quickly, you also fall out of love quickly.
It takes a dynamic, exciting lover to keep your attention long term!


So yea, got one of my tests back. Well actually, I already have both back. 88 on one and an A on the other. I'm a little mad about the 88 because I know I could have made an A if I would have studied better. Or at all. But I'm happy about the A. Not an A-, not an A+, just an A.

I'm totally into these double oatmeal cremepies. I've had two today. So you know, one has 460 calories and 17g of total fat. And I've eaten two. I bet my calorie intake is at 3500. OK, maybe not that much, but it's higher than the 2000 calorie diet that they use for the nutritional stats.

One more hour of class, and then I'm done for a while. I can't wait. But I don't know what I'm doing yet either. I figure I'll go home for a few days, then come back for SXSW. Or maybe I'll reserve a room in a hotel, pretend I'm somewhere far away, and just hit up the room service. I don't know yet. I just know that I want to do something fun. Something new.

Here's something I think isn't new. I'm going to take a nap.

Wednesday, March 9


Played some more NCAA 2005 with my bro and Erik. Also shot the ball around with my bro this afternoon. Things are coming along pretty well. I've developed a jump stop floater. Pretty consistent.

Lessons went well. I finally got my solo. I'm going to work on it as much as possible.

I only have three classes left. Two tomorrow and then one on Friday. I want to skip Friday's, but that's my Spanish lab. And I've fallen really far behind in there. I've been goofing around too much with my partner-in-crime. Absolutely nothing gets done.

West Wing was really good tonight. Really good.

You know, I own almost everything that is "FBombAndy." Should I change the blog address to I have it, but it's my old blog. Should I switch things? Something to think about for now.

I hate Tim Duncan. Really. Hate.

I've always been happy about my luck. I usually pull through with the smallest of odds. But I've really hit a cold streak. I'm waiting for it to change.

And for those out there that...well...put me in my current mood...this mood that I can't really break out of...

Tool - Ticks & Leeches

Tuesday, March 8


This is my post for now.

I'm kind of in a give up mood.

I figure if I can survive for three more days, I'll be fine.

{Added on around 5:29PM}

Shot the ball around from 3:50 to about 5:25. It was nice.

{Added on around 11:10PM}

Played NCAA 2005 with my bro and Erik. That was fun.

This thought just ran through my mind. How old do I want to be? I mean, yea, I'm 20 right now. Would I rather be 25? 35? 16? I don't know if that makes sense to anyone out there.

I'm so lethargic. Everything has slowed down. I don't like it. It makes me want to drink. Heavily. Could have great results!

Maybe I'm hitting the down part of my mood cycle. All day today I've been in this devil-may-care mood. All day. I tried playing my French Horn to set me right, but it didn't. I tried laughing at people. That didn't work.

Oh, and this guy who smelled terrible sat next to me. Big pipe smoker, and whatever he was smoking couldn't be that great. Oh, at the bus stop there was some guy smokin' the loco weed. Broad daylight at a bus stop right by campus. Come on now.

Everyone has something that calms them down no matter what the situation is. Some people drink, some people smoke.These 'addictions'...I don't have one. I don't have something to calm me down.

If you've ever felt like you didn't have a care in the world, but it wasn't the happy type, then you know what I mean. It's like there's a burning sensation at the top of your sternum. Like your missing something good.

Either way, that's all for now.

{Added on around 11:38PM}

Blogger sucks! It took forever to publish this thing. Forever! I'm so pissed! I mean WTF!!?

Monday, March 7


OK, I'm back.

And yea, that's all I got.

What Flavour Are You? I tashte like Alcohol.I taste like Alcohol.

Heh. Heh. I taste like beer. I like beer. Buy me a beer. I'm not drunk, I can drink plenty without... What was I saying? Beer.

And if I wasn't alcohol, according to this test, I would be...

What Flavour Are You? I am Vanilla Flavoured.I am Vanilla Flavoured.

I am one of the most popular flavours in the world. Subtle and smooth, I go reasonably with anyone, and rarely do anything to offend. I can be expected to blend into society.

What Flavour Are You?

383 - Uncensored

Until it is March 8th, 2005, 'nice' FBombAndy is going on vacation.

You see, I am nice 99% of the year. Roughly. So there are approximately 4 days where I just get it all out, 'it' being everything negative. And I try not to take it out on my friends.

So, whatever I post between now and tomorrow, well, this is a warning to look away if you have a weak stomach, are easily impressioned, or you just don't want to see me do this.

So, I get on the bus to go home. I usually take an entire bench to myself because I'd much rather sit by myself than next to some weirdo. Well, I got my bench, but the bus started to fill up. So I scooted over to let an elderly man sit down. Unfortunately, a smell of biblical proportions accompanied him. It was like he went to the zoo, got into the rhino cage, or wherever they put rhinos, and rolled around in their shit and washed it off with their piss. Seriously. THE ZOO! RHINOS!

And I thought to myself, "Why did I move over? Why couldn't I just be an ass and take up two seats?"

People, showers. I mean, with soap and shampoo and everything. Be aware if you stink. If you do, don't make other people smell you. Keep it to yourself.

I take a shower every morning, and everytime I just feel like it couldn't hurt. My shampoo and conditioner smell like those Dreamsicle bars. You know, they have orange on the outside and creme on the inside. I use AXE shower gel. And AXE deodorant. And AXE body spray. That 'Touch' scent is great. So, why can't more people be like me?

I was sitting in Spanish today, and I was thinking about things to mention on this blog. I had picked out some really good stories. Stories that make me smile. But it'll have to wait another day. I am just in a foul mood. Any minute now, I'm going to drop F-Bombs like they're hot.

Sunday, March 6


Spent 9 hours of today writing code for some stupid little program. But I finished it. Over 650 lines of code. That sucks!

Right bicep is healing fine. Left knee is healing fine.

One more week left. Then it's Spring Break. 6 more days left, then I go to CT's wedding. Going alone. I figure I'll like it more that way. And Brandon has been telling me that there's going to be plenty of single women there, so hoo-ray.

Not sure what I'm doing for Spring Break yet. Figure I'll go home for a few days, come back for SXSW, and then take the last two days to just sleep.

Honestly, I'm hitting that point in the year where I go on auto-pilot. I haven't thought about anything this weekend at all. And I seriously mean that I haven't been thinking lately. It's like a blank canvas.

Yea, I'm not feeling it right now. A big bag of nothing. I'm gonna sleep.

Friday, March 4


So, it's been a few hours and I feel like giving a damage report.

Strained right bicep. Strained left knee.

I would be in a lot less pain right now if I wouldn't have shot the ball around Friday afternoon. I mean, I was sore then. But this just sucks. I'm not going to lose sleep or anything. In fact, this isn't the worst I've felt. It's just weird that even with all this, I want to go play tomorrow also.

Halle Berry chasing after Caron Butler? That lucky bastard!

Katie Holmes is back on the market. Sweet.

OK, I give up. I'm not feeling it tonight.

Thursday, March 3


Wow I had a shitty game.

0 for 0 shooting, 1 rebound (1 offensive, 0 defensive), 1 assist, 2 turnovers, 2 personal fouls in about 22 minutes.

That's right, I didn't take any shots this week either. It wasn't my role.

The rebound and assist came on the same play. Pretty sweet assist.

The turnovers were ridiculous. OK, one of them was ridiculous. The worse one was when I pentrated and stumbled. I heard a voice saying open, and I passed it to where I heard the voice. Only, no one was standing there. Out of bounds.

The other sucks. I passed it into the post, but the guy guarding me knocked it up into the air. Other team caught it. Totally pissed me off.

I had some sweet passes that didn't lead to assists, but oh well. On ESPN's Fastbreak, my fastbreak score would have been 0. The rebound and assist were negated by the two turnovers.

I'm in a bad mood. If I had that line, and we would've won, I wouldn't be mad at all. But we didn't win. Totally sucks.

I just had an off day. I didn't do what I normally do. Honestly, I wanted shots. But eh, we had enough shooters already.

Defensively, I played great. The other team's point didn't get anything on me. Tried posting me up, but that doesn't work on me. You better have 4 inches and 40 pounds on me before you should even think about posting me up. I shut down their 3-pt shooter when I was on him, and that made me happy.

Offensively sucked. Defensively I was great. So eh, could've been much better.

Damnit I need more shots. More than 0.


See, and now I just had a pleasant conversation with Tina. This is great. Things are picking up.

Thank you, Tina.

We soooo have to do something next week.


Eric Neel is greatness. His ESPN Page 2 article is outstanding. Finally, some praise for the Mavs. I love it.

So Brandon says the reason the Mavs aren't for real is because their Assist to Turnover Ratio per game is crappy. They rank 20th in the league. This stat is bogus. I mean, Sacto is ranked first, and they are by no means the best team in the league. Teams like Charlotte and Milwaukee are in the top 15. They aren't good. So he says, "not enough assists, too many turnovers."

They rank 8th in turnovers per game. They rank 11th in opponent's turnovers per game. It's not about too many turnovers.

The problem is here. They're 26th in assists per game. And it's because we don't have a consistent point guard. We have good points, they just aren't consistent. Although Jason Terry has been putting some numbers up.

Dallas is tied for second in steals per game. Defense. 10th in blocks. 5th in turnover differential.

When we get Dampier back, things will be fine.

So either way, I'm gonna rest up for my ball game tonight.

Wednesday, March 2


There are times when I care no matter what. There are people that I just can't stop caring about.

Interesting conversations get me going, and seriously, there needs to be more. I have no problem publicly announcing that I'm talking about Anh. She gets me thinking, which is something I haven't dont very much of recently. She makes me see both sides of every story, and I become a better person for it. She gives me quotes I can use, and she teaches me new things. I missed her a lot last semester, what with us being busy and all. But I'm happy to have these conversations.

Thank you, Anh.


There's this trend floating around that seems to have hit some of my female friends. So here goes. I'm putting this out there so any chic who stumbles across this will know. Then they will not have to learn this the hard way.

Boys will lie to make everyone happy. Boys will not share their true feelings because it isn't 'manly.' Boys will start out being what you want them to be, but it doesn't last. They will eventually revert back to their true self. Boys will be selfish.

So when you're in a relationship, or something between friendship and more, you should ask yourself this question:

"Are these issues, or are these boy problems?"

There is a difference between boys and men.


Only got two looks today. Kind of sucks. But hey, better than none, right?

The first half of the test went alright. I figure I did well, but who knows, I could have made some stupid little mistakes like forgetting an accent mark or something. Then it was CS time, which had me passing out 20 minutes into it. Then I had to fill 2 hours before my horn lessons. Called Brandon, called my mom, ate a small lunch, wrote down some stuff. Lessons went well today. I made a big leap from last week.

I'm kind of in a 'blah' mood. When I rolled out of bed, I heard nothing but raindrops hitting the roof. I thought about getting back under the covers and sleeping for 4 more hours. But then I remembered that I had a test and lessons. Two things I cannot miss. So I forced myself into the shower and left for class. Nothing but rain this morning. With a nice cold wind. Still had to use my ugly umbrella. But by the time I got to campus, the rain had stopped. And then I noticed that my iPod battery was near dead. So, no music for me to listen to this morning. A negative. The cold was a positive though, so I was indifferent.

I don't know. I just haven't felt very useful lately. I mean, it's probably because I've been keeping to myself. Putting up the away message when I get on. But it could be that I've stopped caring. It's just a phase though. Happens every year. By the time you can say...I don't know, some word, I'll care again.

Basketball game tomorrow night. Sweet. I'm going to dominate this time around.

Alright, it's 30 minutes after I started typing this. I'm giving up for now. I'm going to eat some sherbert, study, and go to bed. Why sherbert? Do you really have to ask?

Tuesday, March 1


So, student government elections are going on.

There's cute blondes everywhere trying to get you to vote for their party.

I'm not voting.

But I did tell one that I voted already.

And I swear, she was about ready to give herself to me. I thought it was funny.

More on today later.

{Added on around 9:44PM}

One of the habits I've picked up is eating a Powerbar before lunch or after lunch. I'm fine with the taste and it keeps me from feeling hungry. Well, I'm finding out that eating Powerbars and not exercising can make you feel horrible. Powerbars are meant to be eaten before you have some serious exercise coming. If you don't exercise, everything just kills your stomach. So, that explains a lot.

Have the first part of my Spanish test tomorrow. The second part is Thursday, right before another test I have. So, the next two days will be fun. Oh, and Thursday is my last IM basketball game. Unfortunately, this team isn't making the playoffs. We'll finish third in our division, but they only take the top two teams. So unless someone tests positive for steriods, ain't happening. But hey, I'm still going to go out there and give it all.

Got three looks today. Must be the hair. Speaking of which, I need to get a haircut. You know, maybe I should do it Thursday after the tests. I could do it tomorrow, but I don't know. I think I'm going to just practice my horn.

So either way, I'm going to study and go to bed. I want a full 8 hours tonight.

{Added on around 9:53PM}

I forgot to mention. Scrubs today was really good. But it was sad. JD lost out on both chics. That sucks.

March 13th at 11:30PM. Venture Brothers. "The Incredible Mr. Brisby." It's a must see. It was the first one I ever saw, and it's hilarious. Cartoon Network.