Friday, April 22


I've rediscovered my love for strawberry soda. Specifically Fanta's. The sweetness lingers on your tongue and the bubbles just enhance the pleasure. That's right, I'm comparing soda to 'erotic comforting.' (OK, I forgot what it was called on Joey already. It was erotic something or other. But it was funny. It's a funny show.)

There's something I want to discuss. I don't know if I'll be very detailed or very vague, but I at least want to try writing something.

About my friend from Spanish who I've been pining away for. Not anymore. I realize now that I was blinded by the idea of incredibly dirty fun. While I am in college, and that's probably all I should look for, it's not what I want right now. I actually want something with meaning. She is great short-term relationship material. But I couldn't imagine bringing her home to meet my mother. My dad would say, "Wow, she's hot! Does she have a sister?" (Yes, my dad is funny like that. I'm sure he would high-five me right at the door.) My mom would look at me with her 'ok, if that's what you really want' look.

By the way, if my use of the phrase 'short-term relationship material' offends anyone out there, then tough. I don't mean to sound like 'quick fix' kind of guy. But there are some chics that I just don't see a future with. Does that mean I shouldn't consider dating them at all? No. It just means that I won't get my hopes up.

Playoffs start today! Screw the NFL Draft! I could care less. Dallas - Houston. 4:30PM Central Time. It's on.


jamie said...

if i still drank pop, strawberry would for sure be at the top of my list....that and cream soda. wow.

FBombAndy said...

A&W Cream Soda is soooo good. IBC makes a nice cream soda too. I haven't tried many others, but I will.

rowdielou said...

I see nothing wrong with "short term relationship material". There are a lot of guys out there that I would see as such. In fact, at first that's what Greg (Spike) seemed to be. He was cute, but he didn't really fit into my "type" of guys (I like the tall pretty boys/preppy boys). Sometimes people surprise you.

Just because you are in college does not mean you are expected to live a wild-n-crazy lifestyle (i.e. absurd amounts of drinking, women, and r & r). You can probably get away with it more, but I know a lot of college students who just aren't interested in that stereotype. And I know a lot of guys outside of college who live that lifestyle. ~shrug~ To each, their own. ;)

FBombAndy said...

See, exactly! I should still date them 'cause they could be something I totally didn't expect. And even if not, it's still fun.

True. Only my dad really expects it from me. Actually, I'm pretty sure he believes that I do party all the time, but I don't tell anyone.

I dunno. Guess I'm having my own fun.