Monday, April 18


I don't want to bore you all with basketball talk. I could go on and on about the greatness of it, but I will spare you all.

I'm finally over whatever it was. Allergies or something. I'm not sure.

I finally overcame my laziness and replaced my flannel sheets. It's been warm here, and flannel doesn't help.

See, that's how much things suck here. I'm talking about sheets.

Ok, fine, since Brandon wants me to mention it...

He played really well, especially when we went full court. He was the only one producing offense. The other team killed us though. They had too much energy and ran too much. I know I wasn't up for that.

Brandon, Ryan, and I played a couple of games of 25. Brandon won the first, and we quit the second early. Although, at that point, Brandon and I both had 15 and Ryan had 11 I think. Ryan has really improved. His offense is more consistent and his defense is 10 times better than the first time we played.

Brandon played just like always. Mix of driving and some long range shots. He jammed my thumb pretty bad. I sat on the ground and for a minute I thought it was broken. I moved it, so I knew it wasn't that bad. Something better be broken for me to quit playing. We finished the game.

Of course, I was playing through some really strong allergies. Tried taking Benadryll before the game. That can really mess with you. But hey, no excuses, right?

Either way, I'm hoping to post more than I have been lately. Two posts in three days is unacceptable.

Alright, I'm going to bed. I'm going to wake up early and get my haircut. I've decided that long hair isn't for me. Even mildly long hair. I'll leave some length on top though since I still have highlights in. I don't want those to disappear yet.

{Editor's Note: Yea, he said at the top that he wasn't going to talk about basketball, yet it's half of this post. Good job, FBombAndy.}


rowdielou said...

'Bout time you put a pic of yourself up...I was feeling somewhat narcissistic, since I have so many pics of myself up. *snork*

...and talking about sheets isn't *always* bad...hehehe

FBombAndy said...

You know, I was digging around for older pictures of myself, and I found out that there's not that many. I mean, my dad loves to take pictures, but I've only been in 5 pictures or so the past two years. Really weird.

Heh heh're right.

"I'm just sweating my sheets,
I hate to see you leave,
But I love to watch you go, baby."

Queens of the Stone Age - Skin On Skin