Wednesday, April 6


First, my French Horn instructor, Brigette, turned 24 today. She's awesome!

Today was OK. I'm not feeling too well, but I was well enough to play ball this afternoon.

We played some 3 on 3. We lost. It makes me mad a little bit. I feel like I should have taken charge. I hit some big shots, and I made some good passes, but it could have been better. Then we played a game of 25. Ryan should have won it, but I got the hot hand.

I have homework due tomorrow. I have a load of laundry in the dryer. I'm hoping to be done by midnight. I really want more sleep. I'm drained. I did fall asleep at around 12:30AM last night, and I woke up at 7:30AM this morning like always. 7 hours isn't too bad. I like more, but I'll take it.

I really like this Queens of the Stone Age CD. The tracks I'm listening to are:

Burn The Witch
Little Sister
I Never Came
The Blood Is Love
"You Got A Killer Scene There, Man..."

I need to listen to the others more.

This morning was interesting. I got two looks before I got to my first class. Made me happy. But just to be sure, I went to a bathroom to look in a mirror and make sure there was nothing on my face. There wasn't.

Alright, for the mean time, that's all I've got. If my laundry takes a while, I'll write again later tonight.

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