Wednesday, April 20


Today went well. For the most part. Kind of not feeling well. I don't know why, but I just feel like there's something wrong. It could be nothing.

Spanish then CS. Had my Horn lessons today also. They went well. I started out sounding great and hitting everything. Then I went downhill from there. But overall I feel good about my skills. I've really made up for lost time.

Something is weird about my glasses now though. I get dizzy when I'm wearing them. They got bent last weekend during the ball game. That might have something to do with it. But right now I'm trying to type without them.

It's a really odd feeling, but I feel like I could be doing something useful right now. I feel like I could be somewhere providing someone with comfort. I feel like I should be listening to someone right now. But I'm not listening to anyone. Such a waste.

OK, now I'm bored. Think I'll go to sleep.

{Added on around 11:06PM}

Oops, before I forget, there's a dream I had last night that I would like to briefly share.

I dreamt that some purple alien creatures showed up and took over Earth. Everyone had to choose between entering their building or being thrown off the Earth with a tornado. My family and I went into their building, and I saw about 500 people go the other way. Sure enough, a tornado came and threw them high into the sky. I felt like I made the right decision after that.

Inside the building were a bunch of rooms. It was like a crazy futuristic hotel. Well, we found a room and started unpacking. I left the room and decided to learn more about these aliens. There were only three. And they carried tridents. I overheard one of them say, "What do you mean we're out of power? How long do you think it will take them to find out?"

I walked back to my room with clenched fists. I grabbed what I think was a steel pipe. Or an aluminum bat. I started walking back to the aliens. I was going to kick their ass.

But then I woke up. I sat up in my bed, decided that it was a fun dream and that I wanted to get back to it. Unfortunately I didn't. Ended up starting a new, completely different dream.

I'd like to think that I would have really kicked their ass. I mean, I've never felt so angry in a dream.

And no, I don't take drugs of any kind.


rowdielou said...

I'm glad that you had a good day. I hope you feel better soon.

When was the last time you had your eyes examined? My glasses were making me dizzy and I found out my prescription had changed.

I used to get like that, feeling "useless" (not that I was useless, but that I could be doing something better)...I miss that!

Your dream rawks! From an "interpreter" point-of-view, you're very self-confident and feel as if you need to be the person "in control" and hold the ability to "steam ahead" on your own and take care of business. In other words, your self-image within your family is one of you being the "powerhouse" and problem solver. Just my two cents.

You are a doll.

FBombAndy said...

Last time I had an eye appointment was last August I think. Might have been earlier. I can't remember. All I do remember is that I got these glasses in October. They aren't making me dizzy today, so it must have been something else.

I would have liked to have been doing something better, but in all honesty, I wasn't doing anything. I was sitting in my chair and staring at the wall. I guess anything would be better than that.

I do like to be the mediator in my family and among my friends. I do like to solve problems. You're really good at this! 100% on target!

You are just too good.