Friday, April 8


Whoops, didn't get this post in on time. So, I don't have one for Friday. Oh well.

So tell me, what's wrong with this, and I'll try to find a way of explaining this without incriminating myself.

A friend of mine casually mentioned that they were going to try a drug they haven't done in some time. As a friend, I realize that it is my responsibility to watch out for this person. So, I simply asked that the person in question text me or call me tonight so I would know they were OK. My first instinct was to tell them not to even think about it, but that would seem very controlling in some fashion.

Honestly, I know how to persuade people to do something I might do. But I do not know how to persuade someone not to do something I wouldn't do.

I've had my fair share of alcohol. Maybe more than my share, and I'm paying for it now. But I have never tried any drug. And it will stay that way. I'm not curious, and I'm not interested. As far as alcohol goes, I have gone 20 months without a drink. While I do miss it, I know I'm doing fine without it.

I'm a very caring person. I do worry about people when I haven't heard from them in a while. I worry about people I haven't seen in years. And some people I worry about even if I see them everyday.

Maybe I care too much. I don't know.

{Added on around 12:22AM}

Have you ever remembered an old dream because you were about to commit those actions in reality? If you dreamed about peeling an apple, and then a year later you pick up a peeler and remember. Something like that.

I was just about to sign into AIM, but then I remembered an old dream where I signed in and a friend of mine talked to me while they were drunk or something. I just remembered. And I decided against it. So, screw you fate! Or destiny! Whichever.

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