Friday, April 29


So, as I mentioned, my thumb is messed up. Some of the bone sticks out. Not through the skin, but just like a bump. Right at the knuckle. The swelling has gone down a bit, and I'm going to see how it is tomorrow.

I broke my blue PS2 controller. I was rather angry, and that's what happens when I just lose it. I took it apart to see if I could determine what the problem was and if I could fix it. I figured out the first half, but I don't think I can fix it. I need to stop breaking things.

About the basketball I played this afternoon. The first game is when I hurt my thumb. I started the game with 7 straight points, and then my bro decided to throw his body around. My thumb hit him or the ball and it was painful enough to make me collapse to the ground. He won that one and the next. I played through because that's all I know how to do. Unless I can't walk, I'll keep playing.

Then this guy showed up. At first sight, he looked like he might be good. But when he started, it was terrible. My bro had to head back to the apartment, so I played 1 on 1 with him. I immediately saw that I was going to dominate him. So, I would go on a run of making shots, then I would let him catch up, and then I'd go back on a run. I pretty much toyed with him. I feel a little guilty for doing that, but it made the game last longer. We went to 15, win by 2, by 1s. I let him get to 14. I turned around for a second, smiled, and played with 100% effort. He couldn't do anything. Not even 5 feet away from the basket. It was fun.

{Added on around 2:30AM}

I fixed it. I fixed my PS2 controller. I'm proud of myself. It took me an hour or so, but I did it. I feel so much better.

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