Thursday, April 28


Alright. I'm back in writing form.

After those two losses, I lost it. If you have never seen me pissed off, then consider yourself fortunate. And I've been pissed off since Tuesday. That's a long time to be seeing red.

Brandon, I'm sorry. You made a comment that just fueled the fire, but I shouldn't have hung up on you like that. I need to work on my short fuse.

Umm...everything else is OK I guess. Had my Spanish interview yesterday. 47 out of 50. I messed up once, but it was kind of bad. But hey, it's not a bad score. I was expecting a 40 or something.

Played some 1 on 1 with my bro on Tuesday. 3 total games. He won the first, I won the second, and he won the third. I played terribly in the first game. I was down 17 to 4 in the second. But then I started hitting my shots and used my height advantage. I'm a whole 2 inches taller. The third game was the best. At some point in the game, the score was tied at 21. We were both exhausted, but he had more energy than I did. It was our first time playing in 90 degree heat. We need to adjust. The funniest thing though is that he was real mad about the third game. I really frustrated him. I think we're going to play tomorrow afternoon. I'll need to step it up for the first and continue through the rest. I need to show that I'm the better all-around player.

The Mavs won, but it's still going to be tough. And I'm really torn because no matter what, Dallas is my team. But T-Mac is my favorite player. Real torn.

Alright, I'll post tomorrow after I play.

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