Thursday, April 21


Blank canvas right now. I can't see anything. Not one word.

Didn't go to any of my classes today because I had to register for next semester. Then I decided to practice my horn some more. It turns out that I will in fact be performing for Prof. Hughes. Just for a little bit, and afterwards he will critique my technique and style. Should be insightful. I'll need to kill any nervousness I may have. This doesn't happen until the last day of class, so I have time.

After much consideration, I've decided that if my thumb doesn't get better by the end of this weekend, I'm going to a doctor. I thought it was just jammed, but I'm starting to doubt my accuracy. Try this. Run your thumbnail under your index fingernail. (Wish I had a picture or diagram or something.) I can't do that. Not only does it hurt like hell, but it feels like my thumb isn't strong enough. As if I've lost all control of that motion. People, I need my thumbs. They are important.

And I leave you with one last thing before I go to bed. I don't know how accurate it is either.

OK, nevermind. I don't feel like messing with HTML right now, so I'll just type what I read.

My top three characteristics of my "dating personality profile" were:

1. Stylish
2. Wealthy / Ambitious
3. Conservative

And the top three characteristics of my "date match" were:

1. Outgoing
2. Practical
3. Sensual

I thought for sure that "romantic" would have been at the top of my list of characteristics. But it's not. It's not even in my top 10. It's not in my match's list either. Very odd. So, I don't know how valid this quiz is. But eh, I could be wrong about myself I suppose.

1 comment:

rowdielou said...

Good luck on your performance, I'm sure you'll rawk!

Yes, definitely go get that thumb checked out! Good lord, boys are so funny! If it we're me, I would have already had that looked at. ;)

And you're a romantic - that quiz was wrong. Don't lose the romance - it's very hard to find. :D