Sunday, April 10


This is really weird.

I don't know what caused it, although I'll have to assume it stems from what I mentioned in 425.

I feel like I don't have a care in the world. I feel so indifferent to everything right now. If the world stopped spinning, I would have the calmest face.

Today just sucks. That must be it. I've only been awake 4 hours or so, but I feel like today has been horrible. I don't know. Nothing bad has happened. I don't feel sick or anything. I just feel like nothing I do today matters. I really want to do nothing all day. Just nothing.

I want to go home.

I still have a month left in this semester. But I'm burnt out. If I remember correctly, I felt this way last semester too. Right around this time.

OK, so I'm going to lay around for the next 4 hours if I can.

"I'm going upstairs to be by myself."


Anonymous said...

Hey Andy,

I'm just checking in... seeing how you're doing. Just keep going. I know -exactly- how you feel. I think everyone goes through this same slump. But anyway, feel better. I'm always around if you want to talk... even if it's only online.


FBombAndy said...

And that is why I'm happy I met you. The 'checking in.' And that you're there. I really appreciate it.