Tuesday, April 5


So yea, didn't fall asleep until 2AM. Woke up at 7:30AM like usual. Was on campus until 4PM. And no, I didn't take a nap when I got home. So, I should be extremely tired for tonight, which is great. I could really use some decent sleep.

It's been so bad, that even in my dreams I'm looking for a bed to sleep in. Anyone else ever experience that? Dreaming about laying down in bed with the lights off and trying to sleep?

Woke up this morning, but I really didn't want to. Then I remembered that I have a Spanish test. So I had to go. The second half of the test is tomorrow. I'm not planning on studying between right now and 10AM, so oh well. Then I should be sticking around campus to get some playing time in. I need to double check with Ryan that it's still on.

Oh, tomorrow the West Wing is on. Crap. I need to be home by 8PM then. Which means I need to leave campus by 7PM. Crap. That only leaves an hour if we start at 5:45PM. Well, an hour and 15 minutes. Not enough time. Damnit.

Good, he wants to start at 5PM. So, that gives me 2 hours to whoop his sorry behind. Well, unless we play teams and he's on my team. If that's the case, we'll win. I understand his game and he understands mine.

Either way, time for me to get some sleep. I'm aiming for 9 hours, if possible.


SportsGal said...

I guess you are forgetting Mavs-Spurs at 7? I know what you mean about being too tired to sleep. It's frustrating, but then once you relax enough to get to sleep, there is nothing more satisfying than a good night's sleep and waking up refreshed. That Goldilocks amount of sleep--too little, you're still tired, too much, you're out of it, and ironically, tired. Which sucks because you can't sleep more to make yourself less tired. I'm about to have a nice hot bath then head to bed myself. Got a hearing at 830 so I have to be at the office by 8, so I'll have to be up a little earlier than usual, but since I'll be in bed by 11 that'll still be 7 hours' sleep. And to think I used to stay up till 1 or 2 in college...

SportsGal said...

Ah...I see you wrote on Tuesday not today. So all's good.

FBombAndy said...

The Mavs have been sucking when they have to play on national TV. They look good all the other times, but put them on ABC and we suck. Oh well. We better beat the Spurs. It'll make my weekend so much more enjoyable.

See, yea, everyone I know says things like, "I stay up until 3, and I wake up at 5." Of course, I might be exaggerating just a little bit. But it makes me think that I have it too easy, and that I'm complaining when there's people worse off.

I haven't had one of those relaxing baths in a long long time. I figure after basketball is the best time. But I'm a shower type of guy.

I hate oversleeping! On weekends, I don't have a clock near me, so I wake up when I feel like I've slept long enough. Sometimes, that's not the smartest.

FBombAndy said...

Wow...your comment posted while I was typeing my comment. Crazy.