Tuesday, October 12

Stupid map...

Come to think of it...it's more like I'm going in circles through some forest 'cause I don't have the map. The thing is, I know I've been here before. Really, almost an identical situation. The first time through, things didn't go the way I was hoping. But hey, this is a different opportunity in some ways. This chic is much better...I'm a bit wiser...

Just like Jay Mariotti, I am a flip-flopper. In the span of 24 hours, I've gone from being mad to being frustrated to being depressed to being confused to being indifferent. And now I'm changing again. I'm content.

I have to say, sometimes being friends is good enough.


dontcare@delete.com said...

Advice from a friend?

First off, I would tell you to get your ass home for a nice break from Austin. You need to get the hell out of that town ... that is prolly half the problem.

Second, why are you worrying about chicks? You're 20 and a full-time student --- friends are enough. If you can incorporate the 'benefits' into the friendship, even better. But, do you really want a relationship? It sounds to me you are still trying to find yourself (which is a good thing)... isn't it kind of hard to be looking for two things at once? You know I'm here for you man, but I think you are causing yourself uncalled for stress.

Some people find their 'companion' early, we have a friend that is proof of that. Is there anything wrong with that? Of course not. Remember that the best things come to those who are not looking. If you want to know something that drives me: "Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it"
-Henry David Thoreau. Success and 'love' are not the same thing, but they do share some characteristics.

It'll sneak up on you. It is okay to think about'it', just don't worry about it --- that is what gets you in trouble.

FBombAndy said...

This deserves a post.