Thursday, October 21

Das Wasser is Blut

Sometimes, I see red when I hear about other people's fortunes. Some of the time, I am jealous. Other times, I'm just not in the mood to smile or such. But it's OK. This weekend should be very entertaining, seeing as how there will be no sister-in-law or baby to make noise.

The poor kid. I can't believe that much milk can come out of something so small. He's sick, or so they think. He'll be fine though. He's a tough one. He probably just ate too much. Pig.

So, if the advisor wants to book everything this week so I can't make an appointment, by all means. As long as they don't get pissed when I register for Intro to Algebra or something. That would be sweet if I could. Easy A.

Lab sucked. Spanish kind of sucked. I did realize today that I now have a new interest. She's got something goin' for her. The voice works too. It's not annoying at all.

Some party on Halloween or something. I don't think I'm going to go. It was a kind invitation, but I think I would be miserable there. You see, for there to be no awkwardness (and even then, there still might be some) I would have to find a moderately attractive date. Very possible. But I need to be around people I've known for a year or so. Especially if there's going to be alcohol around. If I'm going to drink, I'm going to have just one, and it's going to be by myself. But, I haven't touched the stuff in over a year now. Isn't that something?


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