Thursday, October 14


I've been content. For at least 2 days. It might still be a joke, but I'm starting to laugh about it now. It's really turning into a sitcom. That's fine. I'll play along.

There's a trombone recital tonight that I can go to. Apparently, recitals count as concerts for my concert report. This is great. It starts at 8, the weather should be in the low 60s, so it'll be perfect for me to clear my head.

Just an know, I said I wouldn't interfere. Looking at the situation with the information I have now, it's more like I can't compete. I don't stand a chance. So now I can laugh about it. I know I'm beat, so I'll move on. I almost have already. (Actually, I'm still 99% sure I could really compete. It's that 1% that scares me away though. Beh, I'll live.)

One of the parents is coming down tomorrow. This will be a good chance to scout around for a legitimate doctor. Also need to exchange some pants I bought last weekend. Might get a haircut also. It's been 3 weeks or so...

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