Monday, October 18

Right here...

Interestingly enough, today started out rather well. I woke up without my stomach feeling like it was on fire. I ate breakfast. The bus ride went by really fast. And then the second bus I take, the bus driver was talking about his 'wild days' when he would get high in the morning and the sunrise would be spectacular and what-not. It made me smile, because come on, there's nothing better to listen to. He's a cool guy, always says hi, flirts with the ladies even though they're probably 15 years younger than him.

Oh man, there was this chic on the bus. I mean wow. She was good. And then when I was walking to my Logic class, I spotted this chic from my Spanish class. She's a generic blonde, but she does look good. She was jogging so I did the head nod. She smiled. Very nice.

I skipped my Logic class, which I'm not supposed to be skipping. Went back to Jester and had some more breakfast. Nothing like French Toast Pop-tarts and ESPN. Went upstairs to my Spanish class.

Unfortunately, the seat next to mine was taken by someone other than my partner in crime. Although, there is another seat to my left where another chic I talk to sat. She's cool, and she leans in when she speaks. She has nice eyes. But otherwise, it was basically boring. Some quiz, I aced it, because I know my Spanish.

Went to Music class where some snobby prof was filling in. He sucked, so I left 10 minutes early.

Went to my discussion section for Logic. Turns out the average grade was a 48. I think I made at least a 50. Maybe a 60. So I'm in good shape. Sort of. I missed a homework assignment, and there's only 5 or 6 for the semester. I'm really hoping he drops the lowest one. If he does, I know for sure I'll have at least a B for that class. Respectable.

Haircut, which came out nicely, and then home. Had a nice ham, turkey and cheddar sandwich. Showered to get excess hair off me, then took a nap. Sports hour, but no I, Max. I don't have much to do for tomorrow, so I get to spend the next 4 hours spaced out. Awesome!

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