Thursday, October 14

El Diablo Rojo...

You know...

For all of my exes, I have a scar named after them. The scar didn't have to happen while I was with them, just sometime before. I'm wondering who will get the one near my chin...

I want a Devil costume so bad. I still think about walking into a church wearing one. I would jump up and down, make stupid devil jokes, poke people with my plastic trident. It would be great.

If a guy's real name was Pablo, would "Pablo Diablo" be an OK nickname? Diablo...come on.

In other news, I had some pizza, and that makes me happy.

Also, the 3-pointer rule that the NBA thought about changing, yea, that's stupid. Don't do something stupid.

I figured out how to put MIDI files and such on my phone. I also learned that my phone can do MP3 ringtones. I'm working on that right now. Think I'll convert A Perfect Circle - Weak and Powerless. The song describes me so well. Sort of. I think I'm strong and powerful (ha).

"So pay me money, take a shot,
Lead-fill the hole in me."
(Not a quiz)

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