Friday, October 29

Drawing A Blank

In case you can't figure out what gift is best for me, I'm going to announce it one time.

The new T-Mac 4. This shoe...perfection. At least until T-Mac 5 comes out. Then that will be perfection.

The Colors

You know, if you describe yourself as 'mysterious' then you're really dumb. And an ass. A dumbass. I just don't think it works. In fact, if you absolutely must fill out a description of yourself, then have someone else do it. That makes sense.

I really like Starbursts. And Skittles.

I'm really pleased with registration. I got the classes I most definitely need for next semester. I even got into a CS upper-division class that's extremely difficult to get. They can all eat it.

And Another

I have 7 minutes left before I register for next semester. So far, none of my classes have filled up or closed. This is good. Also, the main computer lab is rather empty. It's nice to be a junior.

Haven't posted much lately. I just don't know what to say. It's not that I don't have thoughts to write down, I just don't know which ones to choose.

No more disturbing dreams. Rather happy ones. I wake up in the morning, reset my alarm clock, and try to go back to it. Not those types of dreams you giant group of pervs out there. Just the dreams where I don't feel empty or alone.

Everytime I think that I'm not really a good person, my dreams force me to realize that I do the right thing a majority of the time. Really.

Tuesday, October 26


Favre's Wife Diagnosed With Breast Cancer

A day full of bad news. Favre has had a terrible year, and I can only hope things turn around for him.


I'm usually on top of sports news, celebrity news, and such. But this didn't reach me until 20 minutes ago.

I watch I, Max religiously. Of the three sports shows I watch every weekday, I, Max is my favorite. For the past week, a guest host has been doing the show. I didn't give it that much attention. Well, I found the reason.

According to the New York Post, Sam Kellerman, Max's brother, was murdered October 17th.

Considering that my brother and I have a very special bond, I can't imagine what Max is going through. I'm not a very religious man, but my prayers are with him.

Sunday, October 24

I Don't Want It

I don't ask for a ton. I never ask people for help. I never ask people to do something for me. I try to be as independent as possible. I know I can rely on myself.

I often talk about how I like to be alone. The way my room is when it's dark and cold. My desire to walk outside for a couple of miles to clear my head.

This attention thing sucks though. I don't want to be in the spotlight. I don't want to be the life of the party. I'd much rather be a wallflower. I don't like being pointed out. Yet, I do.

I do like it when people are at least interested and attempt to listen to my story. I do so much listening that when I want someone to listen to me, it doesn't happen. Because I am so naturally quiet about my opinions and feelings, I don't draw that interest. Well, I don't feel like I do. I'm just so introverted.

Everytime I see something I want, I always change my mind about getting it. When I have a chance at experiencing something great, I always refuse. I can't reward myself with anything. It's becoming an issue.

In other news, I'm sick again. This is against the laws of nature because I never get sick more than twice a year. This is number three or four. From what I can tell, it's just a sinus infection. I'm hoping to be 100% by tomorrow.

I want to destroy things again.

Thursday, October 21


You know what sucks?

When you're feeling like you want to destroy everything in your path, and something nice happens.

That totally sucks. I was going to walk around and punch things, but now I can't. I want to feel angry. But I can't.

My glasses came in.

Das Wasser is Blut

Sometimes, I see red when I hear about other people's fortunes. Some of the time, I am jealous. Other times, I'm just not in the mood to smile or such. But it's OK. This weekend should be very entertaining, seeing as how there will be no sister-in-law or baby to make noise.

The poor kid. I can't believe that much milk can come out of something so small. He's sick, or so they think. He'll be fine though. He's a tough one. He probably just ate too much. Pig.

So, if the advisor wants to book everything this week so I can't make an appointment, by all means. As long as they don't get pissed when I register for Intro to Algebra or something. That would be sweet if I could. Easy A.

Lab sucked. Spanish kind of sucked. I did realize today that I now have a new interest. She's got something goin' for her. The voice works too. It's not annoying at all.

Some party on Halloween or something. I don't think I'm going to go. It was a kind invitation, but I think I would be miserable there. You see, for there to be no awkwardness (and even then, there still might be some) I would have to find a moderately attractive date. Very possible. But I need to be around people I've known for a year or so. Especially if there's going to be alcohol around. If I'm going to drink, I'm going to have just one, and it's going to be by myself. But, I haven't touched the stuff in over a year now. Isn't that something?


Wednesday, October 20


The Yanks lost. Totally amazed by this. I mean, come on. The Evil Empire broke down.

This disgusts me. If I can't believe in a proven winning machine, what can I believe in? If the Red Sox win the World Series, I'll lose faith in everything.

Two hours of Spanish and I'm done. So easy. But I still have to wake up tomorrow. Why can't it be Saturday instead?

Going to put on my sleeping playlist for WinAmp and I'm gonna sleep. No happy, cheery, smile-til-it-hurts pop music there.


Looking at the damn course schedule for Spring 2005. So far, I'm up to 10 hours, so I need to find two more courses. I like having 15+ so I can drop a class if necessary. Classes are set to where I don't have to be on campus until 10 and I'm done at noon on Fridays. I hope it stays that way, but probably not.

I'm about 90% sure I'll take more lessons next semester. I'm really enjoying it, and it's a good way to relax.

Those damn Yankees better pull their asses off their shoulders and win tonight.

Tomorrow is Spanish lab and Spanish. Usually fun. I need to go talk to an advisor because they like to watch every single move you make. Totally unnecessary. Just let me register.

So, now is the time when I take a nap and such. Maybe I'll do homework instead.

Yeah, right.

Tuesday, October 19


I organized my AIM BuddyList. I have the following groups: Friends, Other Friends, Forgotten.

Those in the "Friends" group are people I will go out of my way to listen to. Those in the "Other Friends" group are people that if they want to talk to me, maybe I'll make time (probably not). The "Forgotten" group is self-explanatory. These are the people I have decided are not worthy of my time. When it comes to people and their problems, my listening skills are unsurpassed. But you can't go around saving everyone from their tragedies.

A New Approach...

Pretty much, being nice gets you nowhere. I think I've said this already. Well, toss in some very hellish days, and this is what you get. I've been a nice guy for quite some time, so I think I'll go back to my devil-may-care ways.

Because 'frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.'



"I need everything, all the time, right now."
- Fake Greggo.

It's time...

Once every two years...if I remember correctly.

Those I talk to will get to witness it. And it'll be something...

Monday, October 18

Picture 1

What I see after Logic... Posted by Hello

Right here...

Interestingly enough, today started out rather well. I woke up without my stomach feeling like it was on fire. I ate breakfast. The bus ride went by really fast. And then the second bus I take, the bus driver was talking about his 'wild days' when he would get high in the morning and the sunrise would be spectacular and what-not. It made me smile, because come on, there's nothing better to listen to. He's a cool guy, always says hi, flirts with the ladies even though they're probably 15 years younger than him.

Oh man, there was this chic on the bus. I mean wow. She was good. And then when I was walking to my Logic class, I spotted this chic from my Spanish class. She's a generic blonde, but she does look good. She was jogging so I did the head nod. She smiled. Very nice.

I skipped my Logic class, which I'm not supposed to be skipping. Went back to Jester and had some more breakfast. Nothing like French Toast Pop-tarts and ESPN. Went upstairs to my Spanish class.

Unfortunately, the seat next to mine was taken by someone other than my partner in crime. Although, there is another seat to my left where another chic I talk to sat. She's cool, and she leans in when she speaks. She has nice eyes. But otherwise, it was basically boring. Some quiz, I aced it, because I know my Spanish.

Went to Music class where some snobby prof was filling in. He sucked, so I left 10 minutes early.

Went to my discussion section for Logic. Turns out the average grade was a 48. I think I made at least a 50. Maybe a 60. So I'm in good shape. Sort of. I missed a homework assignment, and there's only 5 or 6 for the semester. I'm really hoping he drops the lowest one. If he does, I know for sure I'll have at least a B for that class. Respectable.

Haircut, which came out nicely, and then home. Had a nice ham, turkey and cheddar sandwich. Showered to get excess hair off me, then took a nap. Sports hour, but no I, Max. I don't have much to do for tomorrow, so I get to spend the next 4 hours spaced out. Awesome!

Sunday, October 17

Shock therapy...

I understand it's the preseason. I do.

But if Grant Hill is getting 20, 6 and 5...

...if Steve Francis is getting 10+ assists...

...Orlando is a legitmate contender. So long as they don't run into Miami. They still don't have anything for Shaq. But, I have to tip my hat to Hill. 26 minutes. It's amazing.

Unfortunately, whenever there's a story involving a Mavs loss, you can bet it will be talked about. Oh well. It's only preseason.

Haircut will have to be tomorrow after class. I didn't have time today.

Going to sleep so I can wake up tomorrow.

Saturday, October 16


New jeans (!) glasses (but those don't come in for a week)...

For tomorrow, new haircut...

I'll be so unrecognizable. I can't wait. Who knows, maybe I'll change my personality while I'm at it. I might just create a new FBombAndy. Why not? It'll be like a witness relocation thing. I could change my name, too.

It's just so right...

Friday, October 15




So I remembered what I had written earlier but accidentally deleted. I mentioned two of my dreams that have been bothering me.

The first, I fought off a pack of wolves with nothing but my bare hands. I got bit a few times too. It felt real.

The other, I punched a wall for what felt like 5 solid minutes. My entire dream was me punching a wall. Come on...

Today, I was cleaning the bathroom (something I never did when I lived in the dorm [sorry Ryan]) and I realized that I might not be a stripper (contrary to rumors in Spanish class) but I do have things to offer. I'm not a total slob. There's some good in me. And some "diablo"...

Also, I hate cleaning bathrooms.


So, I've reached a new conclusion.

I am a narcissist with a lack of confidence.

I am a pessimistic potentialist. (I hope I just didn't make up a word. Potential-ist? Right?)

And that I can wait. Even if nothing happens, I can wait, because what else am I doing? Am I totally missing something I shouldn't be? Not that I know of. So I think I'll be patient.

I've also decided that my college plans have changed. Instead of going full-time until I graduate, I think I'll go part-time and work. Considering that I've covered all of my electives, all that is left is for me to take the core classes. There's a rule that we can't take more than 3 at a time. So, I figure I'll just stick to that. I can't graduate early, so I might as well take my time. I figure if I graduate in the Spring of 2007, it's just 5 years of college. That's actually becoming the norm here at UT. Although, UT is trying to crack down on this by having flat tuition rates, incentives, and what not. If I work as little as 20 hours a week, I can cover the tuition easily, and chip away at my current debt. By the time I graduate, I should owe absolutely nothing. Especially if I work full-time during the summer. Spring of 2007...I'll be 22. Not bad at all.

Financial stability. A friend of mine preaches that, and now I see the light. Thanks boliver321.

Thursday, October 14

The complication...

A while back some friends of mine said I should become a psychologist. I help people with their problems so much with great results. Well, not anymore. I have a few of my own, and I've been rather quiet lately. So, after the recital, I decided to take my time walking back to the bus stop and consider my situation with more detail. The cool air is just what I need when I want to think.

I've figured out what I want. It makes perfect sense given my "growing up" conditions. I was constantly around people 5 to 8 years older than me. And they accepted me without regard to my age. Of course, when they were 21 and I was not, I made sure they knew I understood that I had to stay home. It was fine.

So, now I'm 20, and the age I can't wait to be is not 21. I want to be somewhere around 25 to 28. I want a nice job, a nice woman, and my own place. It hit me when I saw a couple driving away in their new VW something-or-other. They were dressed up, but it was obvious they were going home. And that's what I want. I want to be completely grown up. I don't want to wait any longer.

In other news, I've restarted the cycle. I'm torn right now. I'm haunted again. But I'm so close to having that peace of mind. It's right there. I can feel it. I guess I just need more time.

El Diablo Rojo...

You know...

For all of my exes, I have a scar named after them. The scar didn't have to happen while I was with them, just sometime before. I'm wondering who will get the one near my chin...

I want a Devil costume so bad. I still think about walking into a church wearing one. I would jump up and down, make stupid devil jokes, poke people with my plastic trident. It would be great.

If a guy's real name was Pablo, would "Pablo Diablo" be an OK nickname? Diablo...come on.

In other news, I had some pizza, and that makes me happy.

Also, the 3-pointer rule that the NBA thought about changing, yea, that's stupid. Don't do something stupid.

I figured out how to put MIDI files and such on my phone. I also learned that my phone can do MP3 ringtones. I'm working on that right now. Think I'll convert A Perfect Circle - Weak and Powerless. The song describes me so well. Sort of. I think I'm strong and powerful (ha).

"So pay me money, take a shot,
Lead-fill the hole in me."
(Not a quiz)


I've been content. For at least 2 days. It might still be a joke, but I'm starting to laugh about it now. It's really turning into a sitcom. That's fine. I'll play along.

There's a trombone recital tonight that I can go to. Apparently, recitals count as concerts for my concert report. This is great. It starts at 8, the weather should be in the low 60s, so it'll be perfect for me to clear my head.

Just an know, I said I wouldn't interfere. Looking at the situation with the information I have now, it's more like I can't compete. I don't stand a chance. So now I can laugh about it. I know I'm beat, so I'll move on. I almost have already. (Actually, I'm still 99% sure I could really compete. It's that 1% that scares me away though. Beh, I'll live.)

One of the parents is coming down tomorrow. This will be a good chance to scout around for a legitimate doctor. Also need to exchange some pants I bought last weekend. Might get a haircut also. It's been 3 weeks or so...

Wednesday, October 13

Damn noise...

The rattling...

The Sesame Street Singin' Ernie is too much...

I can't handle all of this noise. So I'm up in my room. Might bail on the concert. It's getting ugly outside and tomorrow has a better forecast.

By the way, the baby's toys are not for the parent's to rattle or shake or anything. They're for the baby to shake. Simple? Obvious? You betcha.

Well, since it's going to rain, and I don't feel well really, I'm going to lay down in the dark and soak it all up. I'm not depressed or anything, I just enjoy solitude more than anyone else I know. Nothing for the eyes to look at, which leaves my hearing to do the work. I love it...


As for today...

This is the shittiest day of the year so far.

Food poisoning + unknown Mid-term = HELL!!!

I spent all day holding my stomach, popping Tums, chewing mint gum, and praying I didn't embarass myself in front of some hot chic.

Not to mention that I clicked a link to erase this post already. I had written much more, but now I'm pissed about that.

Still feeling sick from the food poisoning. I'm getting better though. I'm going to try to eat something and then lay down some more.

I have to go to a concert today. I have a concert report due Friday. The concert is at 8. Please let me feel better by then.

A post for B...

So, boliver321 brings out some great points, like the fact that I do need to get my ass home. I do need a break from Austin. To this day, this has been the longest stay in Austin ever. I haven't been home since April. Usually I go back once a month, but for some reason it's been different lately.

In response to the second point, maybe I am finding myself. I do know what I want though. I want that 8 - 5 job in some office with a cubicle. I like order and organization, and it may be preemptive of me, but I'm really liking the concept of having a boss breathing down your neck. So I do know what I want to be. Kind of.

As far as relationships, I'm usually not looking for one. For instance, I was on the elevator with someone from my Music class. She's incredibly attractive and I know I could have started a minor conversation with ease. But I didn't. And it's because I don't think I could really do that right now. The thought of bringing someone to meet my family scares the bejeezus out of me. How long should we be together before she meets my parents? Will they like her? Will she like them? Just thinking about that stresses me out.

With that said, relationships seem to find me. Opportunities always come when I'm not looking. If you look at all of the exes in my life (not an invitation to talk about them), they were all unexpected. I didn't make the first move in any of those cases. So, when I thought an opportunity had arrived, and I decided I was going to take advantage of this, it turned out to be a false alarm. I got my hopes high, and that's where all of the emotional outbursts have stemmed from.

I was angry that I could be so wrong. I was depressed that I could be so wrong. I was frustrated that I could be so wrong. You get the idea. Well, now I'm content with being wrong. I'm finally content. I haven't felt this way in a while. Being OK with not being's an odd concept for me.

Tuesday, October 12

Stupid map...

Come to think of's more like I'm going in circles through some forest 'cause I don't have the map. The thing is, I know I've been here before. Really, almost an identical situation. The first time through, things didn't go the way I was hoping. But hey, this is a different opportunity in some ways. This chic is much better...I'm a bit wiser...

Just like Jay Mariotti, I am a flip-flopper. In the span of 24 hours, I've gone from being mad to being frustrated to being depressed to being confused to being indifferent. And now I'm changing again. I'm content.

I have to say, sometimes being friends is good enough.

Damn forest of sort...



Total struggle...

But it's still better than what it could be.

Today was full of subtle actions that I shouldn't overanalyze. But what am I doing? Overanalyzing.

In other news, I'm still alive and kicking.

Sunday, October 10

Agony minus the ecstasy...

Really. No one better F around with me anytime soon. Definitely not in a good mood. We're talking about fists flying, evil stares, and a face that emits pure hatred. If you've never seen me like this, well, you really don't want to.

That guy on the bus who looks like you shouldn't sit next to him...yea, that's me.

I'm probably going to be like this for a week or two. Everything has been piled on. As usual, I'm going to push through. I'm doing my best to move on. Keep going forward.

Summary of all else: I don't think I'm an insurance policy. I wouldn't want to be one anyway. I think I've found a new catch anyway. Will allocate more time towards that goal. Have to go to a concert this week. Have to do a concert report. Will probably revert back to my anti-social self. Contradiction? You betcha.

Going to sleep now. Going back to my dreams. Might be unhealthy, but so is popping pills. Dreaming doesn't do any physical harm...

Friday, October 8

Legitimate question...


Am I an insurance policy?

It would answer a ton of questions...and it would make a ton of sense.

But if I am, I don't know whether I should be happy or angry...


I already forgot...

What are those levels of emotions or something? Starts with denial and ends with acceptance? I know anger is in there somewhere. Amazingly, I think I skipped over denial. I don't remember denying anything. But then again, what do I remember these days?

Good friday. Everything went smooth, and I didn't feel quite as sick this morning. Logic, French Horn lessons, Music test. Easy.

Tomorrow is the big game. It's going to be like a horror movie when you're 5. You know, you put your hands over your eyes but you still peek between your fingers. That'll be me.

Red Sox are moving ahead. Yankees are up on the Twins 2 - 1 in whatever inning they're in. Beh.

I realy mean it. Milton Bradley is the baseball version of me. Makes me realize that if I played any pro sport, I would pay more money in fines than I would make. That isn't saying much though.

Can't get that song out of my head. Am I doing this to myself, or is this really some joke. Am I on camera? It's like everyone has a script already.

Fbombandy: "Hey, I just won the lottery!"
Someone else: "You did? How could you have won it if I just burned your ticket?"
Fbombandy: "Figures..."

Really now. Call off the dogs. I'm about one more week away from turning out all the lights and staying in my room 24-7. Dark curtains, sad music, just pure misery. One week. It's all I can take...(and if Texas loses, I'm turning off my cell phone, shutting down my computer, locking the doors, telling the mailman I'm on vacation...I will completely isolate myself. Completely.)

Thursday, October 7


Let me explain something as best as I can without spoiling every single detail...

In my dreams, I do catch the butterfly. But in real life, it is impossible because I cannot interfere. Simple. Thus the subject of my previous post. I just found some of the symbolism coincidental today. That's all.

Spanish script thing got done. I was going to do absolutely nothing on it and take the zero, but after much consideration (and persuasion) I decided that I shouldn't sacrifice my grades. I'm a very considerate person in that I would sacrifice something of mine for the benefit of others without hesitation. I usually end up hurting myself that way, but I get a sense of accomplishment from helping others. But I seem to learn over and over again that being nice gets you nowhere. Really. I mean, if being nice was all it took, I would be a king in this society. I am not a king. I seem to be a jester...

Now, I must be going to bed. 3 classes tomorrow, bright and early. Then I'm going to get a ride home to play some college football. Oh crap, I better cancel basketball for tomorrow. Damn...

By the which, that song (Catching The Butterfly) has played twice in a row. I have my playlist on shuffle, and there's at least 65 songs. Another sign? More like another cruel joke...

Enough already.

That movie sucked...


"I'm gonna keep catching the butterfly in that dream of mine..." (yes, that's The Verve [again] and that song is "Catching The Butterfly")

So, what exactly are signs? Do you think that there are signs everywhere about the decisions you will and should make, or possibly the people in your life? Signs that point you to the future?

This is what I know. I see these signs. But these signs can't be legitimate, because the decision I have to make isn't a decision at all. I know what is going to happen. I know what I'm going to do. I already know the situation, and I don't have any options. I can't interfere.

I don't get it. People talk about their purpose in life. I don't know if it's true or not, but if it is, I have no idea what my purpose is. So far, (and while I am thankful) my purpose is to amuse The Greater Being (it's code since I don't discuss religion). Everytime I think something good is finally going to happen, an ironic twist comes along. Realy rain down on my parade.

And if you believe in karma, then someone, somewhere must be experiencing plenty of good things to counter my tragedies. Well, no one dies because of me, but you get what I mean.

I'm going to take a nap and try to forget my situation for at least the weekend. It's been haunting me for so long, I don't remember what it felt like before...

Tuesday, October 5

Again with the debate...

The very idiotic VP debate is on tonight at 8. This means that there is no Scrubs on tonight. That absolutely sucks! The only thing I look forward to all night on Tuesday is Scrubs. Yes, I watch Nip/Tuck also, but Scrubs is pure genius. So, any form of debate, no matter who the participants, is on my bad list. I took my nap to kill time, and now I'm cursed with this. Yet, it'll only get worse...

So yea, there's another Spanish script due on Thursday. I have no idea if she means 12:01AM Thursday or 11:59PM Thursday. I don't care though. I feel like I've carried more than my share (which I chose to do) and I need to let the others contribute more. So, I'm not going to work on it. I don't mind taking a small 0 there. I can make up for it.

That reminds me. I need to be looking for a concert to go to sometime in the next week. I have to do a concert report for my music class, and it's worth a heavy portion of my final grade. Also, there's a French Horn concerto by Rachmaninov that I need to find.

I tried on some jeans today. They looked pretty sweet, with the dark blue and what not. Posed in front of the mirror in the dressing room, and damn I looked good. But, and how can I put this...

I don't see how it is even possible for any guy to wear standard fit jeans. There's just not enough room.

So yea, I'm going to try out another store on the Drag and see what happens. Relaxed fit is definitely the way to go.

Otherwise, I'm just gonna waste time 'til I have to go to sleep...

Keys and such...

So yea, F minor has to be my favorite key.That's what I'm going to go with for my little composition. Mapping out the melody slowly. I like to work on it during Spanish. She keeps showing these little movies with poor acting and terrible clothes. Sometimes it's funny, like today it was pointed out that the background music was very porn-like. Interesting...

No ATH or PTI for the rest of the week. My days just got boring. Figure I'll kill time with naps and such. Just have to make it to 6 or so.

And as I said, I'm going to take a nap.

Monday, October 4


Patience is a virtue, right?

This is what I know. I can't put my life on hold for an improbable possibility. I can wish, and I can hope, but I don't think that gets me anywhere.

But, I have found my inspiration and creativity. I must find an outlet for it. I was thinking about writing a short story, or maybe a long poem. Right now, I think I'll compose something. I have the ideas in place, I just need to write it down. Then arrange it. It would truly be a high point in my life.

Shoulders and arms are feeling better. I can move again.

Was feeling haunted, but now I just feel paranoid...

Sunday, October 3

Almost there...

I have pics on my phone that I would love to share, but I'm still working on that. Cingular makes you sign up for some media package, so this might take a while.

Baseball playoff teams are set, so let's just end it now and say the Yankees win. Save a ton of time and lives. Baseball bores me to death.

Thought I would feel better today, but my muscles are still killing me. From what I can tell, I must have pulled both of my shoulders at the start. If I lay down on the ground, I can't get up. My arms are really that sore. I figure I'll run some ice water over them tomorrow morning and see if that helps.

Logic, Spanish, Music, then my lab for Logic. It's gonna feel long tomorrow. The hour break between Logic and Spanish really sucks. I get to the building, hang out in the cafeteria and watch ESPN, then I'm off to class. Gotta get my seat. Although, I am thinking about changing seats. The corner I like also has the generic sorority blondes that love to talk really loud. So maybe I'll move to the other corner. I like blondes and all, but the talking is too much. Besides, I'm going into my brunette phase...or rather, I'm going into my "non-blonde" phase.

"I know how to shut her up.
Oh, really? What do you mean?
You know what I mean...(wink wink)"
(I love The Ticket. Some of the funniest bits are there.)

Long day. But that's ok, because I'll still have time to goof around when I get home. The usual come home, turn on the com and music, fall into that state of half-asleep, half-awake. Then, watch Around the Horn and PTI. Lay around until I, Max comes on. Go back to com. Monday Night Football. Then sleep. How great is that? I'm such a lazy person. And I don't work hard. It's a flaw, but I can live with it.

But for me to get to tomorrow, I must go to sleep now. Oh man, those French Toast Pop-Tarts are sooo good. Really. Orgasmic. Ok, not that good, but close...

Moral dilemma...

Texas won. Don't know if I mentioned on the blog, but I was saying all week that there was no way LSU was going to beat GA. So the 6, 7, and 8 seeds fell today. Amazing really. Next in the top ten to lose: USC. Adrian Peterson went down for Oklahoma, and I'm really hoping he has to sit out the next game...the big game...

Thinking about what my options are. I think I have a good idea of what I bring to the table, so should I abuse that? I'm too respectful. I try not to interfere with other people's lives. You know, it's like those National Geographic films, where the lion is going to kill some baby animal. The photographers could go out there and stop it, but you're not supposed to disturb nature. So, I will take the role of the photographer. I'll just sit back and keep quiet. Besides, I'm still looking at the menu. Should I get an offer I can't refuse, well then I won't turn it down.

Because it is now Sunday, I can officially say that tomorrow is going to suck. I just have a feeling that something is going to go wrong. But I'll try to make things better by finally getting some jeans. I need to look at some new frames for my glasses. Thinking about some rimless ones. Or maybe a black frame with some sweet mirror tint on the lenses. Oh, have to get my hair colored still. I've been using this fancy gel that changes your hair color (this one is silver) and I'm still working with it. Was thinking about doing dark red streaks with platinum streaks in the front. Could be cool.

Gonna sleep. Then I'm gonna wake up. Probably eat and drink. Then sleep again. So great. I love weekends...

Saturday, October 2

The horror....

Really...I can't move my arms. From the deltoids down, it is pure hell.

In other news, baseball sucks.

Also, presidential elections suck.

Friday, October 1

Father figure...

So, according to my sources, Lindsay Lohan's dad is in anger management classes.

I can be her daddy in the meantime.

Played ball. Sucked again. Don't know what's wrong. Also, I can't move my arms. Really sore, no energy. It's as if I feel asleep on them.

Still haunted...


Basketball time...

And I'm about 17 posts away from breaking my record for "most posts on a blog."