Sunday, December 5


If I were to say to her, "I want you all to myself," would that be selfish of me? Even if it's for her own benefit as well?

At least I know what I've been meaning to say. Speechlessness can really suck.

So do anxiety attacks. They suck bad.

As each day passes, I'm starting to sleep better at night. I know one night a couple of nights ago was practically worthless. I spent what felt like 5 hours just laying there and thinking. I thought about everything I felt and everything I needed to express. Then the next night, I spent only an hour doing so. And last night, I fell asleep rather quickly. Tonight, I hope to just pass out. This week is going to tear me apart, but I'll make it through.

And I hope I make it through with a deeper bond at the end of the week. It's not very often that I get attached to someone. I have my handful of friends from high school that I would sacrifice myself for. I have maybe 2 or 3 people here in Austin that I would do the same for. But this one...what a spell I've been placed under. Never have I grown attached to someone this fast.

And I don't mind being selfish.

2 comments: said...

Is this still that U of D chick? And does she not know how you feel? Are you guys on the same page about your 'relationship'?

Nothing is worth lossing sleep over --- you laugh, but it is true. The more you think about what could/should/would happen the more likely the reality that actually occurs is less satisfying.

You need to set your expectations and leave them --- (and of course share them with this chick).

Hit the digits if you want to talk.

Good luck at school these next two weeks!

FBombAndy said...

No, to the U of D question. They are just my friends.

This is a chic at UT. I'll give you a call and let you know the situation...

...and ask you why you're up at 7.